Would a marine battery be good to replace my single battery set up. Are they ok to use as a main/starter battery?
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I've been running a 31M single battery setup in my Frontier for 2 months now and its been great. I read about others doing this, a guy on Tacoma world with the same single battery claims to have run his ARB 50L fridge for 3 days straight without starting his Tacoma and it started right up.
I was on a 4 week trip running my ARB fridge, charging phones, the laptop, James Baroud tent light, and Micro-Start with no issues. My truck sat for 2 days at a time without starting.
As a backup I carry this with me at all times: Antigravity Micro-Start XP1
The 31M battery is large but fits in current gen Frontiers and Tacomas. On the Frontier I had to do some terminal mods to make it fit.
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