DARN!!! I missed the sale! 
I just bought a DieHard Platinum Group 65 Battery for 168.93 after tax and coupons.
They are on sale, regular price $230, on sale for $184, then coupon code "PAYPAL25" brings it down to $159.
I went to my local Sears a month or so ago to buy two Platinums for my camper. The sales lady was insistent I give her a vehicle type. When I finally got sick of explaining that it was for a camper she told me that there would be no warranty unless I got a deep cycle rv battery. I tried later in the day with another clerk and gave her my Highlander, but she would only sell me what goes in the friggin car!
can't possibly be this complicated.
Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2
EnerSys/Odyssey is a pretty solid brand and with the review pool on Sears being so limited, I pretty much discounted those. :sombrero:
I have a good idea how I treat my vehicles and batteries and zero idea what other people are doing. I do find it difficult to believe someone would receive two "bad" batteries in a row and so could more likely be other issues with vehicle, use or lack of maintenance.
If you're concerned about the future of EnerSys, there is this: EnerSys Announces Arbitration Ruling Related to Altergy Supply and Distribution Agreement
Stock took a bit of a hit but doesn't appear to be a major issue, will be interesting to see if it has any impact on prices in near future.
I went to my local Sears a month or so ago to buy two Platinums for my camper. The sales lady was insistent I give her a vehicle type. When I finally got sick of explaining that it was for a camper she told me that there would be no warranty unless I got a deep cycle rv battery. I tried later in the day with another clerk and gave her my Highlander, but she would only sell me what goes in the friggin car!
can't possibly be this complicated.
Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2
Order online and select local pickup then you don't have to deal with the staff.
Order online and select local pickup then you don't have to deal with the staff.
That's what I did a year ago getting mine. You had to order online in order to get the price. The printout said 6 in stock. Got there and they couldn't find any. Next they sent a kid out to another store saying it would be in tomorrow @ 12:00 pm. Arrived to no batteries again. Third time was the charm as they finally got them in. I used to work for Sears. ****** happened?Order online and select local pickup then you don't have to deal with the staff.
That's what I did a year ago getting mine. You had to order online in order to get the price. The printout said 6 in stock. Got there and they couldn't find any. Next they sent a kid out to another store saying it would be in tomorrow @ 12:00 pm. Arrived to no battery again. Third time was the charm as they finally got them in. I used to work for Sears. ****** happened?