For myself, and my particular truck, I don't find the white paint an issue. I think it will vary from person to person and vehicle to vehicle. Very little of the area of my vision is occupied by the hood in my particular case. probably a 2.5" (vertical) section at the bottom of my field of view out the windhield shows my hood. Seating position and height of the driver, along with length/slope of the hood will likely be the determining factors. In my wife's car, the hood isn't even visible from the driver's position (but it's a car with a short, sloped hood). Bottom line, I think if you find your eyes being offended by the glare from your hood, it's a good idea to do the black-out mod. Your eye performance & health is way more important than the difference in surface temps/engine temps. But on the flip-side, I still don't think it's worth adding (and or retaining) heat at the engine bay here in the southwest deserts of the USA if your eyes aren't suffering.