I believe that is an old design filter they have cut apart in the maga filter ad. This was the answer they came up with back in the day that OEM filter is no more.
This is totally my opinion. I say none of the above will do a lot to extend the injector life, keeping a good stock fuel filter (Racor or ac delco) changed regularly will go just as far. GM and Racor had that filter redesigned since the LB7 and the new design is what they are still using (fits on all duramax's). The new engines are not having the same problem the LB7 has so I am inclined to believe it isn't the fuel filtration causing the problem anymore. Maybe the old design contributed , but those are no longer available.
I have researched the LB7 for months back when I had one. There are lots of hypothesized reasons for injector failure. Injector voltage, heat transfer of the head, injector ball seats, poor filtration, ext. If there was a sure fire fix it would exist by now.
p.s. don't go over 10 psi with an add on pump it is bad for the EDU. I think 12 psi is the actual number, but you are safe with 10 psi.