Question regarding carrying 1lb Propane tanks


Supporting Sponsor | SEES
Any thoughts on the proper method of transporting these? I want to put 2-3 in my kitchen box. But upon thinking about it, do I really want to do that?

Question 2 - Does someone out there make a carry case for these?

Thoughts? TIA.
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I don't see why you can't keep them in your kitchen box.
I keep a couple in my large action packer I use for the kitchen box and a couple in my gear action packer where I keep my lanterns and other propane fueled appliances.


I keep mine in my "camping Cargo box" just make sure they are protected and not kept next to a sharp or jagged object. Otherwise, they are pretty safe.


basically storing 3 1lbs is ok .. i will look up the code for you, (i juststopped home home for lunch) but here in canada it is not legal to store more than 3 in your house or garage.. ever notice when you buy them that they come in singles or 3 packs.. the part about the code that i could never get a real answer on is how come , where you buy them at say,, the hardware store .. they have skids full of them in the building... enough gas there to wipe out a small country .. ok maybe not a country


and i keep 3 in my kitchen box.. i just make sure they are not leaking when i put them in there


basically storing 3 1lbs is ok .. i will look up the code for you, (i juststopped home home for lunch) but here in canada it is not legal to store more than 3 in your house or garage.. ever notice when you buy them that they come in singles or 3 packs.. the part about the code that i could never get a real answer on is how come , where you buy them at say,, the hardware store .. they have skids full of them in the building... enough gas there to wipe out a small country .. ok maybe not a country

That is interesting, I live in California, the most restrictive state of the union, and the last time i bought the 1 lb Propane bottles they were in a 12 pack, I guess I will have to see if CA has any restrictions on the number you can store, but really, how is having 5 1 lb propane canisters any more unsafe than having a couple of 20 lb tanks for the BBQ?

When I travel, I keep one in my kitchen box and a few more in my cargo box on the roof.


Expedition Leader
those desposa puppies are pretty rugged

I fired my air rifle through one full, with a candle next to it, still no bang

was'nt impressed, I picked up a small 10lbs I use and just bought an adapter hose

there's a lot of waste and cost V's the convenience


5 times the chance of having at least one valve leaking. ;)

And they can leak... I was detaching an off brand 1lb disposable from my Mr Buddy heater one night and the thing came off with the valve full open, gas screaming out of the top. I freaked... took the can to the driveway and set it down... but my drive way at the time was a fenced in rear parking area and I had this vision of the gas sort of pooling up somewhere and then going off as it hit my still hot engine or something. So I called the local fire department, just to get some advice over the phone, next thing I know a truck rolls up lights flashing engine thumping and 4 fire fighters come in the back to see what the deal is. 4 fire fighters and my one little dinky disposable tank, I was a bit sheepish. They seemed non plused about it and decided to help it vent faster by using a pen to push the top open some more. Anyway, nothing blew up and the guys got a quick 5 minute break from making chili or watching Bear Grylls or whatever they were doing. :D

I now buy only standard brand name cans.


1 lbs cans are a waste of resources

After using 1 lb cans for awhile I felt guilty so I went w/ 2 - 5 lb refillable ones like this one from Cabela's
Then you need an adapter hose, like this.

Why did I buy 2 - 5 lb tanks? Well, you can run one all the way down. When it's done, switch to the other.

A refill is $5. I had to call around to find the best deal. One place charged $20.

Hope this helps. Good for the environment.


Supporting Sponsor | SEES
After using 1 lb cans for awhile I felt guilty so I went w/ 2 - 5 lb refillable ones like this one from Cabela's
Then you need an adapter hose, like this.

Why did I buy 2 - 5 lb tanks? Well, you can run one all the way down. When it's done, switch to the other.

A refill is $5. I had to call around to find the best deal. One place charged $20.

Hope this helps. Good for the environment.

I like it. Now...where does one store / transport this when car camping? I have a Land Rover LR3 that will be filled to the gills with gear, kids and the wifey.


I like it. Now...where does one store / transport this when car camping? I have a Land Rover LR3 that will be filled to the gills with gear, kids and the wifey.

JJBiggs, A couple of years, after we had our daughter, my wife and I decided to upgrade. It was just too tight to sleep in the back of our FJ60 w/ a child between us. I loved the Landcruiser but ..

Now we have plenty of storage in our short bed quad cab truck! For 3 anyway. You too can have more storage ;-)


those desposa puppies are pretty rugged

I fired my air rifle through one full, with a candle next to it, still no bang

was'nt impressed, I picked up a small 10lbs I use and just bought an adapter hose

there's a lot of waste and cost V's the convenience

Actually they now come with a lid that perges any remaining gas when they are empty. They can and SHOULD BE RECYCLED. "Disposable" is so 80's.

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