Quit my job, sold my stuff, packed up the dogs and went on the road!


Goodbyes and More Adventures

I'm currently sitting outside at my friend's ranch in Skull Valley, Arizona. I stopped in for a quick visit on Monday, and got stuck. RB Paradise Ranch is a difficult place to leave. Open arms, horsies, rock clambering, good food, Argos romping... easy to get stuck here. You see, Richard is the kind of guy who has a big heart and loves company.
[ 301 more words ]



Looks like you are being forced to work against your will! LoL and yes, if you get up north to Wisconsin in the summer or early fall, it's a great time to be there!


Looks like you are being forced to work against your will! LoL and yes, if you get up north to Wisconsin in the summer or early fall, it's a great time to be there!

Hi! It's looking like I'll be in the midwest for a while... I'd rather be SW, but jobby job happened....
So, I can get north to WI for a visit and campering! I'm going to have to learn how to camper in midwest humidity! I'm not fond of sleeping in saunas. :)


Hi! It's looking like I'll be in the midwest for a while... I'd rather be SW, but jobby job happened....
So, I can get north to WI for a visit and campering! I'm going to have to learn how to camper in midwest humidity! I'm not fond of sleeping in saunas. :)

Yes, those pesky jobs get in the way but they also make it able so that we can afford to do this camping thing lol. You'll have to go check out Northern Wisconsin and the Yoop. Porcupine Mountains, Houghton, Marquette, Munising and Mackinac Island etc during the summer. Door County in northeast part of Wisconsin is also nice.


It's raining right now. Fitting for how I'm feeling.
The heavens cry along with me with the loss of my wonderful companion, Pugsly.

I have few words right now. I didn't know it was possible to love a wee creature so much.
Four years ago, she walked lost down my street and found me.

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Ovrlnd Rd

I'm so sorry for your loss. We just had to let go of our Curly last week after 13 years. He'd been my constant companion for 1/4 of my life and is going to be difficult to stop missing him.



Trying to escape the city
Sorry for your loss. It's like you said though, she got to spend her final days doing what she loves most, cuddling along side. You gave her new memories and and excitement through traveling. I hope I can give my four legged kiddos the same.


Thank you all so much. I pick up her ashes tomorrow. I'm glad I came back to Prescott, Az where her excellent vet is located and I have friends.
As much as I enjoy my solo time, sometimes one needs friends close.

I'm thinking I'll head towards Saline Valley Hot Springs in Death Valley, then over to Northern California in late April for a friend's 60th birthday.


Catching up : Marble Canyon to Kodachrome Basin State Park

It's been awhile since I posted about my travels. I've done a lot! I've been worried about Pugsly for a little while, so my motivation to post has been low. Honestly, I'm not much in a storytelling mode. I miss my Pugsly and am sad and tired. When I left Tuweep (North Rim Grand Canyon) last week, I knew I needed to get back to Pugsly's vet and friends. [ 551 more words ]

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Catching up - Bryce Canyon National Park and Zion

We left Kodachrome with a promise to myself that I'll go back again at some point. It's so lovely and there were other hikes I wanted to do, but the rain made for seriously mushy ground. When we were at the ranch, Argos was very excited about the horses. He is still very interested in cattle. At some point, Argos jumped into the front seat with Pugsly and decided he wanted to ride up front too. [ 253 more words ]



Catching up: Tuweep / Toroweep Overlook : North Rim Grand Canyon (Photo heavy)

My friend Bob from Spokane and I had agreed to meet at Pipe Spring National Monument near Fredonia, Arizona at noon Tuesday March 28th and then head out to Tuweep via the dirt Mt. Trumbull Road off highway 389. I was all set to camp at the Pipe Spring campground, but after a couple of hours of getting beaten up by the wind, I decided to go into Kanab and get a motel for the night. [ 914 more words ]



I don't know a lot but I do know this; dogs don't live long enough. You pour your heart and soul into them and then they leave you all too soon. I don't know you but I'll bet you gave Pugsly a great life. Be happy for the times you had....they move on much too quickly.

Sorry for your loss......


Hello DH
Been following your wandering's here and on WtW. Sorry to hear of the loss of your companion Pugsly. With out a doubt a heart breaker, my wife and I have been there. I know you love Pugsly, and know that he loves you. What more can one have in this life, time will help you.


Thank you all so much. Yesterday, I ran errands and felt somewhat okay, but today I kinda went backwards a little. Miss my little Puggums.

I have a few things to finish up here in Prescott, Arizona, but I think Argos and I will leave Monday towards Death Valley


It's tough to lose an animal companion. I was over at my neighbors house the other day and we went through the list of dogs and cats we have had in our group and sort of rated them. Some were the best of their breed in our minds and some were worthless. It isn't right to judge them.
They never judged us so we shouldn't judge them. Just enjoy your limited time with them.

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