Rain gutter rust question


My Google-**** is weak today. I swear I have seen this in a thread here but can't find it.

My new to me van had an ALMOST perfect body--but it does have the little surface rust on the rain gutters at the joints.

What is the best way to fix it on a budget? I can wrench, but not really good at making things pretty. Neat is a stretch, so it has to be easy.

Open to anything inexpensive but not cheap. I plan to keep this van for at least 10 years.


Depending on the color of the van you can wire wheel the the rust out sand it and then put a little body sealer in the crack. it is like caulk but made for body work and it is the same stuff you wire wheeled out of the crack. you can buy it from a auto paint store. Then you can either use a cheap roll on bed liner and paint your whole roof or go to a good paint supply store and he will sell you paint that will match your van in a rattle can and then sell you the clear in a rattle can. If it is the good stuff the rattle can will have a button on the bottom that you press when your ready to use it. This is the catalyist in the paint so it is basically the same paint the body shop uses in a gun available to you in a small quantity in a can. Mask of the area and paint it. I probably would not recommend a newbie to paint to fix a hood like this but since it is the roof of a tall van you really just want it to match, no one will be seeing it up close. The paint should be around 50 dollars.
Good luck.

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