The synergy springs are made with the same profile as the stock / factory springs. If you take a factory / synergy spring and set it on a flat surface it will basically stand straight up. The Thuren and Carli springs will fall over. They will fall over because the end of the spring that is made to sit in the bottom / axle side perch is actually not flat / parallel to the axle tube (attached pics). When I spoke with both Thuren and Carli they both told me using their respective springs with the AEV brackets that correct the lower mounting surface would exaggerate / compound the arch in the spring. At first I thought, well, how could it be any worse than the arch in the stock spring? As I was told by both companies independently, their springs are considerably longer than the stock springs, they do this because their spring rates are much softer and then require a longer spring to accommodate a lift height. Their springs are in the range of 4-7 inches longer than a stock coil spring (depending on lift height). Because of this soft rate, more windings and longer spring along with the lower coil design to compensate for the factories crazy design, if you were to put them on the AEV lower bracket you would cause the coil spring to bow / deflect considerably.
I myself considered doing the same thing you are talking about (Thuren springs) and by the way, I found Thuren to have better customer service as far as answering questions without a financial commitment on my part to buy their stuff. Of Course, this could be because Carli is very busy, I don't know. Anyways...
I also considered running a Thuren suspension with the Lewis Built Arms to move the front axle forward but in the end after several Emails and a lengthy conversation with Thuren who educated me on coil design, alignment and why its important for a coil spring to be positioned a certain way I decided it was not in my best interest to force it to work.
I also considered just running a full coilover and Bypass shock setup in the front, but Im not going fast and my experience with coilover's on jeeps actually sucked. I absolutely prefer a coil spring and quality shock assembly for stability and maintenance compared to coilover's, so that was out also.