Well I had to weld a lip onto the existing supports for the sink to sit on as well as add some supports to take the bulk of the weight when someone big is jumping in and out of the van. I then put some spacers between the aluminum and stainless to stop galvanic corrosion and bonded it in it place with PL9000 which is good down to -40 which is where my climate can often be in winter. The PL9000 sets up in 15 minutes and both my tubes exploded out the side of the cardboard while applying it. This made a complete mess while I tried to get the product in place, the sink aligned, and the PL cleaned up before it set. Needless to say, I didn’t end up getting any pictures of the bonding.
If anyone in the future is reading this and contemplating doing this my lessonlearned is thus:
While the stainless sink looks very pretty, it needs to by hacked and made to fit in your space. By the time I bought the sink and finagled it to fit in my space, I still don’t have a perfect fit. It could have been 2” deeper so that it brought it right up so my existing floor. Now I need to get creative to finish that out nicely.
What I would do differently is just have a custom aluminum pan welded directly where I wanted it. I would have to worrry about galvanic corrosion and could have welded all the sheets right to the frame at the right height. I would have made the back of the pan a steeper angle towards a drainhole so unless I was parked at a crazy angle it would always flow to theback. Then I would make a cedar landing to level the bottom of that makes sense. I think in the end the cost wouldn’t be much different if you had a decent fabricator that was working on the weekend for some side cash.
Overall though I’m really happy I did this. It looks sharp even before it’s finished and will be a great spot to kick of muddy shoes and sweep dirt into that can just be rinsed down the drains.I have large spot where someone who is 7’ tall can stand and best of all, it is a shower that doesn’t take up any real space in the vehicle as I needed a step anyway.
My plan to finish it off is to put wood trim on top of the lip of the sink that the flooring will butt up flush to.
If the hive mind has any recommendations for water proofing the subfloor I’m interested to hear what you have to say.