Random dog shots


Expedition Leader
He had a bad dew claw that was removed by the rescue vet while he was being neutered. I'm puzzled by it - his other foot already had the dew removed.


ExPo Original
BC Explorer said:
This is Libbi, our 13 week old Puggle (Pug+Beagle=Puggle).

Generally speaking, I am immune to the charms of most canines. But I must say that is one of the cutest dogs I've seen. Great facial expressions and coloring.

What a little heartbreaker....


vcsnover said:
This is my 1 year old boxer Daisy

This is the whole crew, the Lab is 5 year old Jack, Daisy again, and 8 month old cat Scooter


and one more of Daisy during her "lady time", thus the huggies!

:luxhello: How did you get the dogs to get along with the kitty??? I've two cats and I really want to get a dog but I've no idea how to get them to get along.:bigbossHL:

richard cabesa

slooowr6 said:
:luxhello: How did you get the dogs to get along with the kitty??? I've two cats and I really want to get a dog but I've no idea how to get them to get along.:bigbossHL:

We've always had both and usually if you introduce a young dog to an adult cat, the cat will rule the roost.

At one point we had a dog that developed into a serious problem biter. So bad that we had to get rid of him :cry Our cat at the time we got him was quite old and cratchity and kicked his but as a pup regularly. When the cat passed Reggie searched for him everywhere. My wife brought home a kitten and I thought sure that it wouldn't work. By this time he was showing his agression issue. That little kitten puffed up and hissed and spit and swatted at him like it was posesed.

Within a few days all was good and they were inseperable. We have hardwood floors and one of their funniest games was for the cat to attack the dog from some hidden spot then the dog would pin him down and mop the floor with him. The cat would yeowl, swat and bite, the dog would growl, chew and slobber but there was never a mark on either one of them.

The cat hasn't been the same since we had to finally let go of Reggie. He can't figure out why the new dog won't mess with him


slooowr6 said:
:luxhello: How did you get the dogs to get along with the kitty??? I've two cats and I really want to get a dog but I've no idea how to get them to get along.:bigbossHL:
Jack the black lab has been around the longest and he is just soooo laid back with cats, etc, that it must be his mellow energy that keeps all the animals cool and in check... that's all I can figure at least.. they rough house plenty but just play. None of them get mean and bite, etc. I suppose I am just lucky?
I have great dogs that's for sure.
My new puppy...

...Ulysses Everett McGill. But he's cool, so he goes by his middle name. He's a 6 week old Rat Terrier. Sometimes confused with Jack Russell Terriers, Rat Terriers are a new American breed (less than 100 years old!) that were bred for killing rats in the barns of farms. In fact, Teddy Roosevelt had two while he was president, but the "breed" was still considered a mutt at the time. Everett is super chill.




Camp Ninja
This is what my dog does best while travelling. No matter how rough the road, bumpy the trail, or how severely the occupants jostled in the cab.



3 of the 4

Photo of 3 of my 4. Left to right- Blue(Queensland Blue Heeler, rescue dog) Burrito and then Taco. All my dogs were rescued but Blue decided to move in from who knows where. Burrito and Taco are typical Baja dogs that I found when they were tiny puppies hiding in a ditch after someone dumped them. I was going to change their names from Taco and Burrito to Timex and Rolex as they are great WATCH dogs. I have one more named Bebee that Burrito brought home and she was also dumped. I'll post her photo later

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