This looks great! I considered doing it as a protective measure on the FJ. After seeing what the wrap did to the finish on Scott B's Landcruiser, I nixed the idea.
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Only costs 50x as much as a rattle can job, but have at it. If you can afford to spend the money in this economy, good for you.
I'd like to do it, as a barrier against desert pinstriping. But I only paid $6k for my used Suburban in the first place. Not paying half again to wrap it.
You can get Monstaliner and paint your truck for about $300, in a variety of colors, and have a durable finish.
Frugal, not cheap.
I seriously considered this as I lined my trailer bed with UPol Raptor and was really impressed with it. I even got paint codes and was ready to pull the trigger, but the thing that deterred me was that you were committing to the finish for the life of the metal. You can't just peel it off and start again. Also the finishes trap a lot of dirt. My trailer sees a lot of cross duty but the bed is always dirty. Not a huge deal but....
Going with the wrap wasn't that much more $$. The UPol isn't cheap and if I hate it, I peel it off...
Ha ha. This is gonna see full sun. Doesn't come close to fitting in my garage lol.
I disagree with the repair. I have already patched a lot of panels that I messed up on and unless I pointed them out you would never notice them. The pattern hides a ton