Reality check: $400+ for a water pump?


Wiffleball Batter
Called up the local independent Toyota shop asking about the cost of a Timing belt change (at 118k my 4runner is way overdue.)

Cost is around $200, unless they have to replace the water pump, then it goes up to $630. :Wow1:

Is the water pump for the 3.4 really that expensive? Call me cynical but I can't help but think that anybody who goes in for one of those $200 T-belt changes quickly has the water pump "recommended" to them, at the additional cost of $400+.

I haven't called around to any other shops so I'm still leery but just wanted to run that by the Toyota-knowledgeable group.


Expedition Leader

I just had mine done at the dealership and here is what I paid:

FP# Discription Unit Price
16100-69398-83 Water Pump Assy 150.44
90916-03075 Thermostat 20.87
16325-62010 Gasket, Water Inl 6.15
00272-1LLAC-01 Antifreeze Gallon 24.96
Total 202.42
Labor and Parts 337.27

I also had a boat load of other stuff done at the time like the timing belt, breaks, plugs & wires, steering rack and a few other small things done.

The timing belt, parts and labor was $427. Hope this helps.
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2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
...I can't help but think that anybody who goes in for one of those $200 T-belt changes quickly has the water pump "recommended" to them

It's fairly standard practice to change out the water pump while everything is torn down for a timing belt. I've always changed out my water pump at that time.

Come to think of it though, I've never really heard of anyone in the last 10 years or so who had any problems with water pumps?


it good peace of mind just to do it when its all torn down (same process to do both) but that is a $87 part from Napa (new not reman). I know you are having the dealer do it but $400 is BS, they are wanting to charge you for parts and labor and there really is no labor but a couple bolts at that point since they have it all torn down for the T/B. Ask them if the plan on changing the T/B putting it back together and then taking it back apart to do the water pump because that what they wont to charge you for. Good luck :costumed-smiley-007


Wiffleball Batter
Yeah, an additional labor charge doesn't make sense if the whole point in doing the water pump is that you've got all that stuff taken apart anyway, might as well replace the pump while you're at it.
My last timing belt change was 229.34 parts and labor. At that time I had the water pump changed it was 298.12 parts and labor. This was all done on 06/20/2007. Two years ago but the price shouldnt go up that much in two years. This was my second time having this done as I have gone over 200,000 miles. The first time I had it done at 100,000 miles it was about fifty bucks less and the time span was about 4.5 years. Both times performed by Foothills Toyota in Burlington WA.


Expedition Leader
Martin, give the boys over at Astro Automotive a call. Be sure to tell them you a member (or heard about them there) and they will give you 10 percent off. They are not cheap, but price competitive, and very meticulous.

Seldom Seen

Just did mine last night or rather a buddy of mine, who works for Burt Toyota, did it with my help. My bud does at lot of work for our club members “on the side” and since he’s getting hitched in Oct is always looking for work.

Parts and 2hr labor ran $390 and included: Timing belt, water pump, tensioner, idler, T-stat, front main seal, belts and antifreeze. For a point of reference MY cost for the parts, w/ a club discount, would have been $335.

Couple of notes; I only saw 1 drip of antifreeze on the skid plate last oil change, figured it was the typical telltale drip from the weep hole, but when we got in there we found the water pump was shot and the leak had contaminated the tensioner. Cam seals were fine so they weren't touched. My buddy assured me that if and when they do go its a 1/2 hr job to replace them as getting to them is far less invasive than doing a timing belt change.

My buddy is honest, reliable, detail oriented, doesn't mind you helping out, is willing to teach you about your rig and share tip and tricks as you go, but best of all he’s a 4Runner guy

PM me if you want me to get you in touch with him.


Explorer has it for $106.89 if you're set on OEM. Replace while doing timing belt.

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