All of this reminds me of the CJ-to-YJ, then YJ-to-TJ, then TJ-to-JK uproars. I've been through all of them with my father getting me hooked when he purchased his CJ while I was in kindergarten. Every time something might (or does) change, it creates a stirring in the Jeep community due to our serious passion for these rigs. I'll admit even I was in the 'JK isn't a real Jeep' crowd for a period of time too with the departure of the 4.0L. Well after a YJ and 3 TJ's, three days ago I purchased my 2nd JKU (14 Rubi) and I might love it the most. As mentioned in a few of the previous posts, I have to agree that proper change is not a bad thing. I personally don't care what system/changes they make provided the Wrangler at minimum maintains it's current capabilities and stays true to it's core. I'll tell you right now, if somebody offered me a Wrangler that could perform up to my current JK's capabilities, kept the essence of a Jeep, and got better mileage...I'd take it in a heartbeat.