Reliable Matches?


I miss the old / good Strike Anywhere matches. I still have a box in my camping gear from long ago, but abandoned matches for primary fire starting a good 10 years ago. As others have said, I use Bic's primarily now. I do keep UCO Titan storm proof matches in several places with emergency stuff, but yeah, overkill for regular use. I do stay on top of my firecraft with ferrocerium rods and flint and steel, but that's more for bushcraft fun / practice.


I carry them all - Diamond strike anywhere matches (the green ones), a couple Bics, a couple fire steels, tinder, and a Zippo. Now, based on some of the comments I read here about fuel rapidly evaporating from your Zippo, try this little trick I learned from someone - cut an old bike tube (typically free for the used ones at bike shops) of the correct diameter to fit over the seam between the lid and body of the lighter. Some people like to call these ranger bands. I cut mine so they're about an inch wide. This tip is good for storing a lighter so that the fuel lasts significantly longer but it's a pain if you use the lighter regularly.

Here's a google link to help explain it further and give you some test results. I recall getting 10-14 days using these.


Now, based on some of the comments I read here about fuel rapidly evaporating from your Zippo, try this little trick I learned from someone - cut an old bike tube (typically free for the used ones at bike shops) of the correct diameter to fit over the seam between the lid and body of the lighter. I cut mine so they're about an inch wide. This tip is good for storing a lighter so that the fuel lasts significantly longer but it's a pain if you use the lighter regularly.

I smoked cigarettes long ago, pack a day. Used a Zippo lighter. My recollection is I only had to fill (Ronsonol) the Zippo twice per week when using it 20 times per day. Now I fill the very same lighter and never use it and it is dry in two days.

Seems as though Ronsonol has changed the fluid to something that evaporates quicker. The other thing I remember is if the lighter was overfilled and stuck in a pocket, it would cause a chemical burn on my thigh. The chemical burn and possible reformulation could be related.

I may try the inner tube trick - thanks.


Search and Rescue first responder
Matches? we don't need no stinkin matches.....just rub two sticks together.

Honestly I teach primitive and modern fire making. Any way you can start a fire can save your life. I have a zippo looking lighter the uses plasma kind of like a taser among my fire starting arsenal...


I have a small stash of Ohio Blue Tip's, and they are close to 20 years old! They last so long 'cause I never use them - just pack a few for emergency needs and stash them in emergency kits. For literally every fire need (campfires, backpacking stoves, or even propane burners) I only use one thing:



I smoked cigarettes long ago, pack a day. Used a Zippo lighter. My recollection is I only had to fill (Ronsonol) the Zippo twice per week when using it 20 times per day. Now I fill the very same lighter and never use it and it is dry in two days.

Seems as though Ronsonol has changed the fluid to something that evaporates quicker. The other thing I remember is if the lighter was overfilled and stuck in a pocket, it would cause a chemical burn on my thigh. The chemical burn and possible reformulation could be related.

I may try the inner tube trick - thanks.

Haha, yes! I remember that, particularly when I carried it in my 'watch pocket'.

I tried the ranger band / bike tube thing and it only added a couple of days for me, and that was on brand new zippos. That was maybe a year ago.

As much as I love them (and still have several in my drawer), I gave them up as inconvenient long ago. Of course, I quit smoking 2 years ago too, so the everlasting Bic is much more attractive.


Expedition Leader
My favorite fire starter is my fire piston but it's not very reliable. I bought a box of those green tipped 'eco' Diamond matches and only about 1 in 5 would light after being struck. So I sent them an e-mail complaint. I got a hand written and hand addressed envelope reply with an apology and a coupon for a new box. Figure they must have some 95 yr old guy in the back room somewhere to deal with complaints.


Has anyone tried making their own? There was an article about it in Popular Science years back. It looked fun, if nothing else.

My go-to bad weather fire starter is still a road flare. More expensive than matches, but will light anything, and I use the excuse that I need to rotate stock eventually anyway.


It's weird but cheap BIC lighters are always the most reliable. Especially on those cold dewy mountain mornings when you left your lighter out on the stove instead of taking it in the tent for the night, they still work after a few flicks! I went through a box of matches once in the same situation where you would strike to light them, they would sizzle and the tip would burn down. But there was never any flame.

Another cool thing I got was this torch that uses a disposable lighter as the fuel source. It's a little more finicky than the lighter by itself but has a more wind-proof torch flame as a result. Plus you can hold it on for a bit without burning your thumb. The only problem is that the oval shaped BICs don't fit well, you need those more narrow disposable lighters you can find in most gas station checkouts.


Adventurer, eh?

Never had an issue. well once when the soap leaked all over them. We keep a spare box in a ziplock bag.

I've had no luck with these, and I still have a box left, and a few smaller packs around and keep some in the camping kit, but I can't get them to strike on anything other then the strip.

We just tend to use dollar store BBQ lighters. I usually have a few cans of butane for my soldering torch, so I can just refill them.

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