Review: Campaign Furniture Companies - Chair Campaign


Explorer, Overland Certified OC0020
Well the posts have slowed down but the Campaign Furniture Chair is still moving around the country. Sawyer just had the chair up at Cruise Moab. The chair is back from this trip and he is wondering if anyone else would like a turn? So if you are interested give me a PM. Looking forward to seeing some more photographs of the Campaign Chairs travels.


Explorer, Overland Certified OC0020
I haven't had the pleasure of trying the chair yet, but I just ordered one the camp box/tables. It looks like it will be a perfect compliment to my OzTent.

Sounds like you have a very nice combination. Please feel free to post up a photograph of your new setup once you get it out in the wild. I enjoy seeing the different combinations of wood/fabric that folks are picking out.


SE Expedition Society
SE Overland Rally

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the chair at the SE Expo Rally in Asheville, NC. The chair perform flawlessly and was shown off to several other members.

I think its time for the chair to move on before family and friends borrow it. Who's next?



New member
The chair looks great!!

Hi chair people,

I am very happy to see the chair in action. It is doing exactly what I had hoped it would, traveling!!! Cheers to all the adventurers! Keep the grass from growing under your feet.:sombrero:

Safe travels,
Andy Glanz
Campaign Furniture Company
Bend Oregon


Explorer, Overland Certified OC0020
Expo - Fiesta Island Meet and Greet!

The Campaign Chair arrived back in San Diego a week ago. It made a showing at the Expo, Fiesta Island Meet and Greet. I am glad to say it is back on the road with Jeremy(HMR). I am looking forward to some more action shots. Who knows it might just pop up at the NW Overland Rally.


The Campaign Chair tucked away in its bag.


Fiesta Island, San Diego, CA


Rendezvous Conspiracy
Thanks Gear!

We enjoyed taking the chairs along on our annual Northwest camping trip.

NW Expo Rally, Ellensberg, WA:

Lake Cascade, ID:

Secret spot along the Salmon River:


Expedition Leader
X3... Campaignfurniture has not been active on the site sine 07-11. Their website is down and no activity here is not a good sign. Does anyone have his personal email? Maybe he would make a small run still?
I tried checking for a pulse on their Facebook page a few weeks back. No luck. Too bad, I'd like to pick up a chair or two. :\

If anyone has a chair that's gathering dust & they'd like to sell, drop me a PM...


This thread held out some hope for similar chairs, the poster never responded. The company maintains a website but does not respond either.

Doing a little internet browsing came across these guys in India who sell some beautifully crafted camp chairs among other things.

I have put in my order and hope that I can be comfortable around the fire at night star gazing with a beer in hand. Perhaps on second thoughts it might need to be a gin and tonic if I sit in such a nice chair

Here is the link

See what you think


Callum Blackhall - Landroverholic

just eric

This thread held out some hope for similar chairs, the poster never responded. The company maintains a website but does not respond either.

I spoke with them via email yesterday. They actually got back to me within 24 hours of my information request submitted online on their site.

Curious how expensive the campaign furniture chairs were so I can compare to the quote I received from jandrguruam...
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