recently bought a pair of these, one Lux and one Aura.
A bit smaller than I figured. let it set on the patio for a sunny day.
the Lux stayed lit on the low setting for about 8+ hours, the Aura was on "cycle mode" and lasted about 6 hours.
You WILL need to make sure there is direct sunlight for recharging, and the next day was a bit cloudy and they didn't seem to last as long.
Overall I'm please with these lights, with the benefit of not having to replace batteries nor refill with gas.
perfect for inside tent, walking lantern, or with a few more of the Auras, great accent lighting for the campsite.
I can say that I'll be buying a couple more, as they don't cover a huge area (again, because smaller than expected). Maybe an Original version and another Aura.