This is a SIC pic! I love the clean lines, Slee front, and snorkel. Nice.
That looks awesome. If you haven't already get some 303 Aerospace protectant. A little wipe down will keep the line-x job looking new.
This **** is bananas. Love it for interior cleaning too.
I'll be drooling over those shots for a while rickashay - maybe it's your photography skills or perhaps the Line-X just looks that good!
Nicely done! I usually don't care for aftermarket rims on Cruisers but yours are the exception....they look great!!
I know that bed coating can be pretty heavy. Do you notice increased weight on your doors, etc...?
That looks seriously awesome!
Incredible photos as always, this is my favorite. I love your wintertime shots, great job of capturing the beauty of the scenery.
Good stuff!
Killer pics rickashay!
Sweet pictures!
I need me some snow wheeling...
Beautiful photos! What trail is that? I'd like to add it to my to-do list
Incredible photos as always, this is my favorite. I love your wintertime shots, great job of capturing the beauty of the scenery.
I love your photos, your wheeling crew, your rig, (especially your wheels).
That's a nice FJ Cruiser too!
That's a nice FJ Cruiser too!
Photos do not do that rig justice... you should see the interior and marine navigation system. Or, the storage platform, or the "electrical bank", or the immaculate air compressor install, or the Magnolia RTT that's normally on that Baja rack, or the Hutchinson Beadlocks, or.... well I think you get the picture. :drool: I think it's for sale too, he's currently building up a 97' LX450!
Cool. Does it happen to have a build thread somewhere?