Lady Bug has impressive build specs.
LadyBug Boats are constructed along the lines of the original Brockway Skiff. Lady Bug Boats, however, are built using modern materials and technology for a more durable hull and finish. LadyBug Boats are designed and constructed to withstand the rough service and to meet the demands of the commercial fisherman.
The stem is machined from 4×4 fir stock. The transom is two ¾” AC Exterior Grade Plywood laminated with West Epoxy and screwed together plus a 3/4” motor pad in the middle for added engine support. Transom is framed with 2×4 select lumber hemlock or pine. Mid frames are same 2×4 doubled on bottom and sandwiched with 3/4” plywood and 3/4″ gussets secured with resin glue and screws Hullsides are 1/2” AC exterior grade plywood butt spliced with 12”x3/4” plywood joints screwed and glued with West Epoxy.
Chine block is 1”x4” pine secured to hullsides with West Epoxy. Bottom is 3/4” AC exterior grade plywood secured with 3M 5200 Marine Adhesive and screws. The hull bottom is reinforced with three 2”x6” strakes running the full length of the bottom. Endgrain edge of bottom plywood is capped with strip secured with staples and West Epoxy.
Rail is 2”x6” hemlock and secured to hullsides with West Epoxy and screws. All exposed wood is sealed with Clear Sealer. Bottom is coated with one coat of Pettit Unepoxy Bottom Paint, Interior is coated with two coats of Interlux Bilgecoat Enamel.
Hullsides are primed with 2 coats of Pettit White Undercoater followed up with 2 coats Easypoxy Polyurethane Paint. Rails are finished with 2 Coats Easypoxy Polyurethane Paint. All fasteners are Deck Mate Corrosion Resistant screws.