Roam About with "Big Hank"


Family Adventurer
Great photos and cool story! Dogs are part of the family, we all know where you are coming from on that.

Keep the good times rolling!


Way behind on the report but am making attempts to catch up. After leaving Toroweep I started working my way towards the Overland Expo in Mormon Lake. First time attendee and had a great time. En-route did a couple of nights of stealth camping before rolling into the Expo. If you haven't been it's a great time if nothing else to just walk around the campground and looking at all the different rigs. Lots of vendors as well. I basically justed signed up to walk around and look at the vendors and for two nights of camping. The whole package runs something like $250 for the entire weekend. For that you can camp, check out the vendors and attend lots of classes if you're into that sort of thing.

View from camp one night en-route to the Expo....


Some old rock dwellings.....


Some shots while at the Expo. Lots of rigs to drool over and was able to talk with many that are on some great adventures.




Sunset over the campground....


Leaving Mormom Lake after two days and nights I was headed to Kanab, Utah to do some riding and look at some real estate. More to come.


I can't wait to get to that camp spot in Toroweep. Remind me about it when Kathleen and I take off for Baja this winter.

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I can't wait to get to that camp spot in Toroweep. Remind me about it when Kathleen and I take off for Baja this winter.

Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk's a must do but give yourself at least two nights in there. It's a long way in on a rough road and not an easy day trip just for one night. I think I stayed three nights and that was just about right. One of the all time great campsites in my opinion. When are you guys headed down? I may be going as well.

After leaving the Rally I headed back up towards Utah and Colorado.





Met up with a friend in Moab where we camped in the surrounding area for over a week and did an overniter on the bikes on the White Rim Trail. Good times!


Safety tip! Do not wear friggin flip flops while hiking around on loose rocks or you'll be labeled a dumb ***!




More to come.....


Man, you've really taken some great shots! Safe travels!


Update: Since starting this report I've lost my old buddy Hank. I had to have him put down while I was passing through Oregon. He had been my constant companion for 14 years and I'll always miss him. I've since acquired a new traveling companion and I'll try and post some pics of him a little later. My trip has wrapped up and I have still have some more pics to post up. It was a great summer traveling around in the camper. I later parked the camper and rode up to Alaska and the Yukon areas on the motorcycle. Epic trip as well and saw lots of wildlife.

My old buddy Hank....


My friend Kurt and I had a great week in the Moab area either camping or riding the motorcycles. For anyone who hasn't been to the Moab and surrounding areas ...... put it on your bucket list. Some more pics...........






Some more camping and riding in the Needles District outside of Moab.



Trying to outrun a big storm getting back to our campsite.



My friend Kurt had driven his Jeep down with his bike on the back to Moab. Was nice having it as we were camped in some really nice spots with the comfort of the camper. We'd ride in the morning and then go out in the evenings exploring with the Jeep. Couldn't get much better than this.



On a morning ride came across some critter tracks. I wasn't aware that there were bears in the Canyonland area but a ranger confirmed later that they did indeed have bear. These tracks certainly confirmed that statement.





More to come.....


Sorry for your loss. Thanks for the updates!

He will be missed. I was self-employed and he was with me just about 24/7. You sure do get attached to them and hate to lose them but just have to remember the good times. He had a great life.

After the week in Moab with my friend Kurt I was back to solo travelling and wanted to lay up somewhere for a few days and do some work on the camper/bike. I had heard of a new place that had opened up kinda off the grid that was kinda set up for Adventure Riders and the overlanding type crowd. It was about 60 or so miles outside of Moab so I thought I'd check it out and lay up for a few days prior to heading up in the high country of Colorado.

Place is called the Three Step Hideaway and I would highly recommend it. Rolled in and met the owners, Scott and Julie. Great people who are the perfect hosts and have really done a ton of work to make this place what it is. It's off the grid with solar power only but it is a treat to stay here. He does have some satellite internet but no cell phone. Nice cabins and Scott welcomes tent and RV campers as well. Scott was even nice enough to let me park my rig under the carport area to provide old Hank some shade. Julie cooked up a great dinner that night and Scott gave me some tracks for a great ride the following day. Tons of riding right out his bike door. Scott and Julie needed to go down to Arizona so they asked if I would mind hanging out for a few days to help look after the place. No problem! While Scott and Julie were gone I was able to get some stuff done to the camper and bike and did a 100 mile loop ride the next morning. Rest of the time was spent laying around with Hank and enjoying the solitude, dogs, peace and quiet.





Scott has a fully equipped shop and I was able to get some things done to the bike. I was also able to relax a little after all that work!


Hank and I took a nice little nap each afternoon on the front porch when the sun was just right.


Their dog Bailey slept with the chickens each nite in the coop to protect them from predators. Being an avid dog lover, loving solitude and didn't get much better than this.



First night after dinner Scott took us out on his four wheeler to show us the surrounding area.


Ahhhhhhh some more relaxing!


Will post some pictures of the ride I did out of Three Step later. Great riding!
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Went for a couple of rides while hanging out at Three Step. Of course, Moab has some great riding but it's the out of the way places like this that don't see a lot of use. I didn't see one other biker or quad while out riding. Needless to say, Scott who is an avid dualsporter, has the surrounding area dialed in and is more than willing to share. Another guest was staying at the place and we went for a nice ride together.




Some real easy fun sections with views and some technical riding as well...




Scott and Julie returned from Arizona and I stayed one additional night before packing up and heading towards some higher ground on the backside of the La Sal mountain range for a couple of nights. Hung out and did some riding out of there as well.




Not a bad campsite....


Some riding from camp that afternoon...


Saw a sow and two cubs from camp that evening but by the time I got the camera out they had ducked in some heavy brush and when they popped back out were quite a ways off.


Yea, I know..... crappy picture posted above. I do have some good ones coming up while in Alaska a little later on. Teaser pic!



From the La Sal area I headed east towards Durango, Co. It was starting to get a little warm down low and I was seeking some higher terrain with some cooler temps. Explored some side roads and did some stealth camping en-route.



Rolled into Durango after a couple of days and of course a man has to eat on occasion. Had been over twenty years since I'd been thru Durango and boy had it grown. Still a nice town but nothing like I remembered it. Camped about twenty miles north of Durango on a FS road and the temps were still a little hot so only stayed two night before heading up towards Silverton, Co. I unloaded the bike on my full day and rode back into town to stock up on some supplies.


Downtown Durango...


Some fine micro brews can be found there!



Decided while in Durango to head back to the west to check out Mesa Verde National Park and then north from there up towards a little town called Rico. Guy had told me about some back roads getting there. Looked at camping in Mesa Verde but it was expensive so I decided to view the park and then find some stealth camping outside the park. This turned out to be a mistake as I got rousted by a Deputy Sheriff later that night for camping on county property. It was after dark when I pulled into a large gravel pit area on a fairly remote road. I figured no one would be around and it was already almost 10 pm when I stopped. About two the next morning I was told to exit the camper. Once he saw that I wasn't some terrorist he allowed to me stay the remainder of the night but that I should be gone at daybreak. No problem, I'll be outta here.

Mesa Verde....




Sunset that evening while driving out of the park..


Broke camp at the crack of dawn as instructed and headed north and took 134 north and turned off on the back road which leads to Dunton Hot Springs. Great road and tons of places to pull off and camp. Wildlife everywhere as I saw deer, black bear and elk during the day. Road gains quite a bit of altitude and then drops you out just north of Rico. A few downed trees that I had to saw some limbs off of to get around and some serious mud in places due to snow melt but I was able to get through. Can be stressful at times pulling the trailer when the road gets bad as I've been on a few where the option of backing up is non-existent. I have had to unhook the trailer a couple of times, unload the bike, turn it around by hand and then find a place to turn the truck around. Doable but a pain in the ***.





Stopped at the hot springs but the whole place was booked up for some big shindig wedding. They didn't allow any camping anyway so I just drove about another 5 miles and found a place back in the trees. When I got to some internet a few days later I checked on the prices for the cabins at the springs. Holy Smoke....that place is expensive. Apparently you can't just stop and pay for a soak. You have to rent a cabin. Way too rich for my blood. That wedding party must have spent a small fortune to book that place for two full nights. All that money and they'll probably be divorced in a few years!

Visitor at camp .......





Stayed the one night back outside of Rico and then got into town the following day. After leaving the dirt I was on some pavement for a short period and saw two people standing next to their car in the buff drying off next to the river. Water was way too cold for any sane person to be swimming so I figured.....ah hah, hot spring in the area. Did a U-turn and sure enough they told me to follow the path for a short distance and enjoy. Had it all to myself and soaked a good hour before heading into Rico.

Perfect spot along the river and the temp was a little over 100 degrees.



Few miles down the road......latte time!


Rico is a cool little place with one latte stand and an old general store. Love little spots like this to hang out and talk with some of the locals. From here headed up to Telluride area to spend a few days and do some riding.


"This turned out to be a mistake as I got rousted by a Deputy Sheriff later that night for camping on county property. It was after dark when I pulled into a large gravel pit area on a fairly remote road. I figured no one would be around and it was already almost 10 pm when I stopped. About two the next morning I was told to exit the camper."

It is good to know the back roads are being kept safe from campers.:rolleyes:

I am enjoying following along on your trip.


"This turned out to be a mistake as I got rousted by a Deputy Sheriff later that night for camping on county property. It was after dark when I pulled into a large gravel pit area on a fairly remote road. I figured no one would be around and it was already almost 10 pm when I stopped. About two the next morning I was told to exit the camper."

It is good to know the back roads are being kept safe from campers.:rolleyes:

I am enjoying following along on your trip.

Yea it was way out and I was surprised he was even out there. Must have been a little bored so he thought he'd check it out. He said there were no camping signs but I honestly didn't see any when I pulled in. Next morning in the light I did note them so I guess technically I was breaking the law. I do a lot of stealth camping when I'm on my trips and always try to get far enough off the road so I can't be seen. Realized the next morning I could easily be seen by a passing car. Another good reason to always find a spot prior to dark.

Thanks for following along.

After some coffee I was going to try and access a high mountain lake the lady in the latte stand told me about and camp one more night in the area prior to heading for Telluride. Didn't make it. Came around a corner and discovered the road has caved in alongside a small lake. Got out and hiked in a little further and there was another bad spot. Not sure I even wanted to try the first one as it looked like the remainder of the road could go anytime. Just my luck I'd get on the other side of it and wouldn't be able to get back. Map showed the road as a dead end about another 10 miles in with no loop road taking me back out to pavement. Opted to turn it around and head for Telluride.


Not a lot of stealth camping to be had in Telluride with all the million dollar homes in the surrounding area. Figured they didn't want some dirtbag in a pop up with a mangy dog anywhere around them. Telluride PD might not be as understanding as small town Sheriff. Plus, I wanted to be within walking distance to downtown for some internet and somewhere I could do some laundry. City of Telluride has a nice campground right at the end of town. Nice showers and walking distance to everything. Priced was very reasonable as well.

View from my campsite....


Unloaded the bike and rode about a mile up towards Black Bear Pass and got some pics....


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