Roam About with "Big Hank"


Great trip and thanks for taking the time to share it with us.

Thanks. I know I like to read others reports so figured I'd post up as well.

When I saw Petey I thought, he needs goggles and a sidecar,it cool you guys met up with BeemerChef/Spirit.

"Born died",that's a good one.

That is some beautiful country,looking forward to the next chapter.

It is easy to miss stuff in the dark when pulling into an unfamiliar camp site.
I once pulled off the road in the desert,middle of nowhere I thought.When I woke up I was way too close to someones home,I quickly left.

I've got a URAL Gear Up just haven't had the chance to put Petey in it yet. No doubt he'll be a major babe magnet cruising around in that thing. BeemerChef and Spirit have been on the road for years and he has quite the following on his blog and write ups here on this forum. His writing style is not my cup of tea and I enjoy his pictures better than the writing. It was a pleasure to meet him after viewing his stuff for years. I feel your pain about waking up too close to someone else's spot. Once did that in Nevada right next to a big berm which I thought was in the middle of nowhere. Walked up to the top the next morning and was staring down into someones really nice home. They were sitting at the table having breakfast! Guy comes out and I explain what in the hell I'm doing in the middle of nowhere staring into his house. As I explain he walks up to the top of the berm sees the camper and that I'm not some nut job looking to murder or rob anyone all is well. I had rolled in about 10 that night and he stated that they didn't get home till around midnight. I'm sure if they had of been home with lights on I'd of noticed for sure but due to our arrival times no one was noted until I was caught standing on the berm staring at them. Lucky he didn't shoot my dumb a@%! Ended up having coffee with him and his wife on the back patio. You never know what you'll run into bumming around. This encounter turned out alright but a rule which I try not to break....... when stealth camping always find a spot before dark!

Since I couldn't get over Tin Cup Pass I opted to just camp one night up high and then come back down and drive over CottonWood Pass en-route to Buena Vista, Colorado. Wanted to stay off of pavement and thought maybe I'd camp somewhere near the pass as the weather was starting to warm up a little.


Looking back down on the road coming up.


Coming down out of Tin Cup I started noticing a metallic scrapping noise coming from underneath the truck. I had bottomed out a couple of times on a fairly rough road but nothing bad. After crawling under the truck I couldn't determine what the cause of the noise was so I decided to start working my way towards Steamboat Springs. Pretty sure it wasn't a bearing or anything major just something rubbing and I couldn't fine it. May have to put it up on a lift to take a look plus I need to do some laundry. Figured Steamboat Springs would be a nice place to hang out for a couple of days and get the truck looked at. Took some really neat dirt backroads getting there and camped up on a high ridge line night before last. Got a little windy later that night but the views were awesome and I hadn't seen another soul since leaving pavement about 12 miles back. The road getting down from here could have really screwed me if I'd of met someone coming up. Would be an awesome ride on a bike and some epic camping up high. Part of the Routt National Forest area. Pulling the trailer down the steeper sections there would be no way to back it up in places and not enough room to pass either. So far I've been pretty lucky with the trailer not getting me in a bad spot. Strictly one lane and nothing else. Didn't stop for pics on the steep tight stuff as I just wanted to get off of it with the trailer. Did about 40 miles on this one back road and saw four guys on horseback and no one else. One of them owned some huge ranch in the valley and they were out looking for stray cattle. Didn't see another vehicle. Colorado has got some really cool stuff.

Camp site.......





In camp that night I looked off down this meadow and saw this guy feeding along the edge of the meadow. Scoped it with the binocular's and figured if I moved down in the aspens he might keep coming and I'd be able to get close for some pics. Had to wait on him for about an hour to keep working his way down but I finally got within range.


Got fairly close and he was keeping a close eye on me once he realized I was there. Lot's of thick aspens where I was sitting so I wasn't too worried. I know these guys can get aggressive and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of this. Sat around and watched him for about half an hour but dark was approaching and I probably had a twenty minute hike back to camp. Also saw a small black bear cross the road the next morning on the drive out but of course he wouldn't stop long enough for me to get the camera up. You'd think these animals would realize I need material for the ride report and cooperate a little more.



Rolled into Steamboat Springs and camped about 10 miles outside of town. Unloaded the bike the following morning and spent the majority of the day in town hanging out at a coffee shop catching up on the internet, exploring the town and shooting some pics.




They were having a car show in town and had some neat old stuff being displayed.



Got back into camp that night and sucked down enough chicken to choke a horse....


Since I'd toured town for a full day I decided to ride all of the following day. Headed up to Hahn's Peak which is north of Steamboat. Real pretty area for riding but rocky as hell in places. Weather was perfect and the riding/exploring was good....



Rode to the top of the peak. Rocky but a fun ride. Old mining claim at the top.



Headed to Wyoming from here. More to come.................


Steamboat is an interesting area, in the '70's I spent many days hiking In that region. I liked it better before the ski area was develloped.
They do seem to have lots of car shows in the summer, I believe they have a few vintage car races too.
I think it's the only place I saw a Stutz Bearcat on the road, Impressive sound.
Hopefully you stopped in Saratoga WY.


So left Steamboat and headed north towards Wyoming. Can basically drive dirt about 15 miles north of Steamboat all the way towards Rawlins. While out of the truck taking some pics a lady comes up in a pick up and wants to know if I can give her a hand. Couple of her Llama's have gotten out of a pasture and needs some help trying to get them back in the gate. Friggin animals aren't the smartest things in the world. We never did get them back in and they roamed off in the forest. She stated that if the bears or mountain lions don't get them hopefully they'll show back up.


So after talking with her awhile I got an invite to camp on her ranch. Her great grandfather homesteaded it in 1863 and her family has been on it since then. 15000 acres and really pretty. She gave me a tour and let me use the shower. Sweet! Came out that night and told me they have a bunk house about a half mile down the road where they feed all the ranch hands every morning. If I wanted to show up at 0600 I was welcome to breakfast. Score again! They hire about two dozen sheep herders out of Peru each year. At any given time a dozen of them stay with the sheep while the remaining are back at the ranch headquarters working. They switch out every other two weeks.


All but one of these guys didn't speak much english but the guy on the upper left was a hoot and talked non-stop. Wanted to know if he could take my camper and bike when he went back out to the sheep. They live in small sheep herder wagon type trailers. Looked at one there at the ranch and it was pretty rustic.


Some shots I took while camping on the old homestead. Was really interesting hearing her stories about the ranch, her family that homesteaded it back in the 1800's and how they run things.





Her great grandfather had planted this old cottonwoods back in the 1800's.



Campsite for the night....


Beautiful valley where there ranch was located....


Camp visitor early that morning before heading to the bunkhouse for breakfast...



Early summer in the mountains,beautiful.
I have seen Basque sheepherders in CA,they live in a very distinctive looking trailer.


Spent three full days in Steamboat wherein I had the truck serviced, laundry, internet crap, paid some bills and basically hung out. Did take the bike out for one full day of exploring when I rode up to the Hahn's Peak area. I could easily live in the Steamboat area but real estate is through the roof expensive. I headed north towards Wyoming where I was going to a little town called Ten Sleep to visit a friend who use to live in Bend. Took as much dirt and backroads as I could find.



Ran across this guy who was walking the entire length of the Continental Divide trail with his two Llamas in tow. Said he'd had a little bear trouble a few night ago. I think that would be a cool thing to do if you had the time. I rode a bicycle across the country once and am glad I did it but it is time consuming.



Some shots of Wyoming en-route to Ten Sleep and Landers.

Wild mustangs...



Historical Split Rock.....


Need to head to Landers to have my old buddy looked at. He had developed a bad rash on his stomach and wasn't doing too well. Found a vet as soon as I got to town to have him looked at. I sure do miss him.


Vet prescribed some antibiotics and a medicated shampoo so off we went to the City Park for a little bath.


Ended up staying in the park. Found out they had free RV and tent camping in the park right along the river. No hook ups but nice bathrooms and it's real close to downtown. Really nice place for free. Nice brew pub downtown as well. Lander is a nice little town but not sure I'd want to put up with those winters. Additionally, for all you KLR riders out there according to the sign this is the oldest Kawi dealership in the country.


Stayed two nights in Lander and was headed up on the divide to drive to the old ghost town of South City. More to come.
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Drove up out of Lander and accessed the CD trail headed toward South Pass City. Real pretty area and we camped up high that night. Had a big storm roll through and the lighting display was pretty good. Had originally camped in a big strand of trees but the wind really started howling. Got a little concerned with a possible blow down so I moved out into a meadow area to eliminate that problem.

Nice eagle outside of camp...




Rolled into South Pass City the following morning and checked out the old ghost town. Kind of commercialized and touristy but has a lot of history. Roamed around a bit and then headed back to some side roads to find another campsite for the night.





Some scenery while looking for a campsite....


Camped up on the ridge line in this picture .......



I understand missing your buddy,getting another one helps.
How is that Coleman water heater working out?


I understand missing your buddy,getting another one helps.
How is that Coleman water heater working out?

It's a real old model but it works, most of the time. Problem is it's large and takes up a lot of space. Newer one out that I looked at while at Overland Expo last year ...

Much better than the one I currently have but still overkill for what I need and is still large and bulky. I'm personally going with this now. No hot water on demand but so much simpler and smaller.

Regarding the dog. I realized real quick that I had to have another one. I'm just a dog person and can't seem to be without one.


im just down the road from south pass, it really is a cool old bit of history. plus you can pan for gold there in the stream (which they bring dirt from Oregon for lol)


Thanks for the links.
I hear you about items taking up space,I got a short bed PU this time,6.4' fills up much quicker than 8',my shell is much lower on this rig as well.


After spending a few nights in the Lander area I was headed for a little town called Ten Sleep. Friend of mine who use to live in Bend is out there running The Ten Sleep Brewery. Family had started it up so he left a good job in Bend and went back home to help out. Justin had invited me out to check out the brewery and to do some riding in the Big Horn Range. Didn't get far today. Drove up to a town called Thermopolis. Place is crawling with hot springs. Went to the State Park but they didn't have camping and the prospects of stealth camping didn't look to good either. Found an RV Park just outside town that has their own springs so sprang for a spot, wi-fi and a nice long soak. Had three large separate at 100 degrees, 105 and 112. Couldn't handle the 112 but the 105 was perfect. Weather has been crappy and cold today so this was nice plus hadn't had a shower in two days.


Headed into Ten Sleep the following morning after another nice soak..

Ten Sleep is a cool little town with unbelievable scenery, wildlife and riding just outside of town up in the Big Horn Mountain Range.


My friend Justin Smith of Ten Sleep Brewery. Good beer and if you're ever out this way stop in the brewery. Justin is a great guy who loves motorcycles and good beer. He'll probably let you dry camp right at the brewery if you buy a beer or two!


Brewery is located at the base of these red cliffs.


Campsite at the brewery....


Rolled in the brewery and Justin was busy but told me to go check out town and be back in a couple of hours and we'd do about an 80 mile scenic loop that afternoon. Got camp set up and unloaded the bike and it was on around noon. Great ride. I'll let the pics do the talking.

Justin gaining some altitude on his KTM just outside Ten Sleep headed up in the Big Horns.









Great ride in perfect weather. Saw a couple of large elk herds but didn't get close enough for any decent pics. Would love to spend more time in this area.


Next day was back in town and ran across an interesting character. Was hanging out when across the street I notice this guy with a bird on his shoulder. That is one of the things I love about bumming around either in the camper or bike, you never know what kind of people you'll run into. Guy was a trip. Bird feed all over him, bird feed in his beard and this bird is crapping all over him. I'm standing there discussing life in general with him and mention to him that his bird just took a dump on him. Response...... oh he does that to me all the time. I don't mind! I also asked him if his bird talks. He tells me he quit talking about 9 years ago....hasn't said a word since. I wanted to tell him the damn thing is too busy dumping on him to do any talking! Justin later told me he's always roaming around downtown. Everyone knows everyone here in Ten Sleep.


Was a fun 20 minutes or so hanging out with him.

After three nights in the Ten Sleep area decided it was time to move on so I headed towards Cody. Was going to check it out and then head into Yellowstone. Got into Cody and decided I'd head up the South Fork Basin area to do some stealth camping. Beautiful area. Stopped in a wildlife photo gallery in Cody and a guy in there told me they'd been spotting a sow grizzly and her two cubs over the past week or so up this basin. Huge area but I thought I'd go way back in there camp and hopefully get lucky. Although no grizzly did see lots of elk and it was an awesome place to camp. Up early this morning and the sunrise on the drive out was pretty sweet as well. Just got back into Cody and after having some breakfast plan to head up another basin about 40 miles from here and try my luck again. May go to the Wild Bill Cody Museum on the way out and kill a couple of hours.

Some shots on the drive up to the end of the South Basin and some shots around camp that evening.








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