Expedition Leader
I visited the Nebraska Sandhills twice in 2013 but could not take advantage of the many many miles of Federal and State 4wd two-track trails I passed by and wanted avidly to explore. This summer of 2014 I loaded up my aging Land Rover with with gear, supplies, and my lovely wife and drove the 600 miles to the vast 20,000 sq. miles of these jewel-like Sandhills. This vast mostly private last great American Prairie of rolling grass covered ancient sand dunes is visited by few people but is a great treasure of prairie vegetation, wildlife, 13,000 lakes of various sizes and exquisite small rivers of names like the Dismal, Snake, Niobrara and Loup. There are several large areas of Federal lands of wildlife refuges and National Forest (mostly grassland) that have many many miles of seldom used 4wd trails crisscrossing the landscape and connecting the numerous windmills, lakes, streams, small forests and wetlands. My wife and myself visited three of these large areas and explored: (1)the Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge in the western Sandhills, (2)the Samuel R. McKelvie National Forest in the northern Sandhills near Valentine, Nebraska and (3)the Nebraska National Forest in the central Sandhills near Halsey, Nebraska. We four wheeled approximately 85 miles of beautiful two-track seldom-visited but legally open trails and spent a day wandering and photographing each area. The tall maturing native Needle-and-Thread grass seed-heads kept filling my truck grill and ARB bullbar and had to be removed. They are sharp little devils that are 4-6" long. The immense areas of tall waving prairie grasses looked like rolling fields of golden shining nectar in the breezes and I often half expected Sioux or Pawnee braves chasing bison to coming charging over the green hills. We saw only two other trucks and one of these was a Fed asking if we were lost which we were not (at least not at the moment we saw him). There are more trails than our maps showed but we found our way around. All the windmills on these Federal lands are numbered and that helped our route finding a great deal. Here are pictures (far too many I know) of these intriguing/beguiling Sandhills prairie trails. These first 10 are from the Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge.
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