Is there a way to track how often the compressor is running with the GAP tool?
Is there a way to track how often the compressor is running with the GAP tool?
Why not do the center transfer block also? Looks like the O-ring kit should work for that one also.
Hello, new member here. Thanks for the write up! Just completed this project this morning on my 2011 LR4, front end had been sagging. The pictures and descriptions were super helpful!
Anyone familiar with an AMK compressor rebuild
I was told by Lucky8 that the AMK compressors are not rebuildable. Which sucks. I just bought a new rear valve block due to even rear sag (75k miles). It had a ton of dirt in it. I was really have a tough time trying to put the two parts together that rotate with new orings. The o-ring kit I got also seemed sub-par and I was just nervous it wouldn't hold air.. so i just bought the replacement. I hope it was just dirt and the compressor drier is ok... since I can't rebuild it.
I haven't seen much out there for failed AMK compressors, so I am hoping this will be enough for now. I do want to figure out if its possible to keep dirt out of the rear block though... it was filthy.