rubbermaid action packer


How about this at the Container Store?

Stor-It-All Totes

I went to purposely look at these a few days ago. I've been looking at options for an upcoming trip to Moab.
For the price they seem "solid enough" and the handles lock on well. They are in no way water proof nor weather resistant. The rim of the bin is flat but the edge of the lid has ribs for support. So if you were to put these on the roof, rain would easily be forced up over the bins lip and under the lids edge.
The plastic seems sturdy, If I had to make a guess- I think they would hold up to being moderately strapped down.
I'm still weighing my options but may pick one or 2 up for inside the truck to keep some camp gear in.
For the price I feel it's a cost efficient solution for cargo space storage.


For what it's worth for anyone looking, Wal-Mart has the large action packers online for $49.99 and you can do free site to store shipping, so if you have a Wal-Mart in your area (and who doesn't unfortunately) they're easy to get.


These work pretty good in my Jeep; they are PLANO Storage Trunks. Home Depot had them on sale for $16 each!

Which one is the "Storage Trunk"?

Big Awesome Boxes™
Contractor Grade™
Grab 'N Go™ Tool Boxes
Tool Boxes
Stow 'N Go™ Tool Boxes
Stow 'N Go™ Organizers
StowAway® Rack Organizers
ProLatch™ StowAway® Organizer
StowAway® Organizers


Which one is the "Storage Trunk"?

Big Awesome Boxes™
Contractor Grade™
Grab 'N Go™ Tool Boxes
Tool Boxes
Stow 'N Go™ Tool Boxes
Stow 'N Go™ Organizers
StowAway® Rack Organizers
ProLatch™ StowAway® Organizer
StowAway® Organizers

Under the heading of "Big Awesome Boxes" Product # 1819 XXL Storage Trunk, 37.75"x18.25"x14", 4 Latches, Grooved for stacking, Integrated Tie Downs. They work very well! I have one for Tools/Recovery, one for Kayak/Fishing, and one for dry goods/kitchen.


Does anyone use plastic crates?


They're light, cheap, strong, stackable, you can flip them over and sit/stand on them, and you can latch them down from multiple points.

Probably for interior storage/organization because they don't keep out water, and you'd have to tie a rope over the top as a cover.


Expedition Trophy Winner
Does anyone use plastic crates?


They're light, cheap, strong, stackable, you can flip them over and sit/stand on them, and you can latch them down from multiple points.

Probably for interior storage/organization because they don't keep out water, and you'd have to tie a rope over the top as a cover.

I use one on my roof rack to hold my 20# propane tank and attachment cable. The cable goes in first then the tank w/the cable wrapped around the base. It's a nice tight fit and the tank won't move...right now I don't even have it strapped down, but if I head out on a trip I tie-strap it just in case (even though I don't think it would move in anything but a rollover)...the milk crate is much heavier duty than the one shown and it's attached to the roof rack w/a bazillion zipties :)

I also use 2 or 3 more sometimes when we head to the river...make great wet clothes/towel carriers...


Does anyone use plastic crates?


They're light, cheap, strong, stackable, you can flip them over and sit/stand on them, and you can latch them down from multiple points.

Probably for interior storage/organization because they don't keep out water, and you'd have to tie a rope over the top as a cover.

I've used them for holding white gas fuel cans, firewood and full bags of trash. I've had to make do with freebies but now that I have a trailer it might be good to have a few of the same type,
Yes THE milk crate has to be the most useful things of all time. I also like the crates that Coke uses for the 20oz bottles. If you can find the red ones they are great. Seems like they are using a different type in black now. They are lighter and not as easily repurposed. I would assume thats why they switched.

I have built cabinets and used the red coke ones for drawers. Used them in a shop I used to work in and I have one now in my pop up camper. I use it to store pots and plates. Nice to be able to pull them out completely and carry them to where you need them.

I remember seeing someone using milk crates in a camper built. Aluma somebody. Really cool homemade camper on an older toyota. Alumacris?

Found it, this guy

Deleted member 9101

Mine fit into the sliding rack I made for my bed. Works great and no need to strap them since they fit tight. My whole kitchen and a ton of food fit in three of them.



I have two of the smaller gray lid action packers. My initial plan was to replace them with something more durable and sealed, but a recent event has changed my mind and they will remain in my "kit" for some time to come.

The event was getting stuck in a crusted mud flat just before a pending rainstorm that would have left me stranded for days. My only option was to jack my vehicle up and place my 2 fuel cans under the rear tires and what ever other objects I had under the front. The problem was that I didn't have a proper base to put underneath the jack, nor a suitable object to place under the front tires....until I remembered the lids on my action packers.

Ya right, like these plastic lids would hold up I know. Sure enough the lid started to bend and wad up underneath the base of the jack and steadily sink into the mud. Surprisingly enough though, the rear of the truck lifted up high enough for me to fill the holes in and place my sceptor cans under the tires.

Now for the front. The same lid was used albeit turned over so that it would be deformed in the other direction. The 2nd lid I had was placed under the front tire and a flimsy folding table was laid flat under the opposite tire. I then proceeded to hammer my shovel into the mud in front of the vehicle with my HILift as a winch point, then repositioned the lid and jack to the rear bumper where I jacked at an "unsafe" angle to help push the vehicle forward.

Presto, I was back on top of the crust with 8psi in the tires and feeling good. Except for the broken table, and mangled action packer lids. I threw all the shrapnel in back of the truck and headed for solid ground to beat the storm, a little sad about the loss of my table and lids of course.

To my amazement, the lids somehow regained their shape and seated squarely back on the boxes! The one that had been placed under the jack had 4 slight dimples where the jack base had sat, but other than that it was perfect!! Unbelievable I know, but I guess that's why its called Rubbermaid. Can't beat dual purpose kit. Now I have to find a good table:ylsmoke:

Deleted member 9101

I never would have thought to use the lids.... although the totes make a great

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