Ruger Trailers Denver

I spotted one of these in Steamboat this past weekend. Spoke to the owner of the trailer and also spoke to Steve today. Really nice guy, thanks for taking time to speak to me Steve! Looking forward to getting my own very soon!

Here is the one I saw in Steamboat!

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New member
I spotted one of these in Steamboat this past weekend. Spoke to the owner of the trailer and also spoke to Steve today. Really nice guy, thanks for taking time to speak to me Steve! Looking forward to getting my own very soon!

Let me know if you want to check mine out.


New member
Ruger Trailers broke up with me

Based on this thread, I contacted Ruger Trailers. I asked if they could build a trailer with Toyota wheels 6 x 5.5 and a lid that would support a bike rack. For the most part, I thought our discussions went smoothly. There were two exceptions however. The first was a bit odd. The second ended our relationship.

1. Initially, Steve gave me a quote on a base trailer, expedition frame with integrated tongue rack, and wide tailgate. [Edited to add: My recollection -- and I would attest to this under oath and under the penalty of perjury is that] He gave a verbal quote of $3,300. This did not include Toyota wheels and tires, which he priced out at $150 for rims and $280 for tires. So, [edited to add: my recollection is] the total quote was $3,300 + tires and rims ($430) = 3,730. He said he would do $3,700 flat.

Then, I asked if I got any sort of credit for the default wheels that came stock on the trailer. And that's where things started to get a little weird. Steve wrote back, applied a $300 credit, but the price of the trailer was now $3,745. If a $300 credit had been applied, shouldn't the total cost be $3,400? So, how is it that the total cost went up after the credit was applied? Well, [edited to add: my conclusion was that] Steve increased the cost of the added options by $265.

This bothered me, but I wasn't going to break up with Ruger Trailers over it. I emailed Steve, told him that his verbal quote was $3,700, and Steve agreed. I didn't further push the issue of the stock wheel credit. (That's not to say I was fully satisfied with the fact that I felt I was paying for two sets of wheels and tires, but only getting one set.)

2. Like I said, I received a PO from Steve. We agreed the price was $3,700. I then asked him if he needed a check or a credit card number. He replied, saying they didn't take cards, and that a check would be fine. I then asked what kind of suspension was on the trailer and how much travel it had. His response? "Jared, we are going to pass on the build out and withdraw the purchase order. Steve." And that was that. Ruger Trailers broke up with me.

I was surprised by Steve's response. In hindsight, maybe I should have done my research on the WWW to discover that the suspension would likely be leaf springs. But I was curious to know the specs. Of course, I never got a straight answer to that question, just a withdrawal of a purchase order.

As soon as I got Steve's email, I emailed back and apologized if I had offended him. I also called him, but no answer. Steve has not emailed back.

I'm bummed about this, but oh well.
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Based on this thread, I contacted Ruger Trailers. I asked if they could build a trailer with Toyota wheels 6 x 5.5 and a lid that would support a bike rack. For the most part, I thought our discussions went smoothly. There were two exceptions however. The first was a bit odd. The second ended our relationship.

1. Initially, Steve gave me a quote on a base trailer, expedition frame with integrated tongue rack, and wide tailgate. He gave a verbal quote of $3,300. This did not include Toyota wheels and tires, which he priced out at $150 for rims and $280 for tires. So, the total quote was $3,300 + tires and rims ($430) = 3,730. He said he would do $3,700 flat.

Then, I asked if I got any sort of credit for the default wheels that came stock on the trailer. And that's where things started to get a little weird. Steve wrote back, applied a $300 credit, but the price of the trailer was now $3,745. If a $300 credit had been applied, shouldn't the total cost be $3,400? So, how is it that the total cost went up after the credit was applied? Well, Steve increased the cost of the added options by $265.

This bothered me, but I wasn't going to break up with Ruger Trailers over it. I emailed Steve, told him that his verbal quote was $3,700, and Steve agreed. I didn't further push the issue of the stock wheel credit. (That's not to say I was fully satisfied with the fact that I felt I was paying for two sets of wheels and tires, but only getting one set.)

2. Like I said, I received a PO from Steve. We agreed the price was $3,700. I then asked him if he needed a check or a credit card number. He replied, saying they didn't take cards, and that a check would be fine. I then asked what kind of suspension was on the trailer and how much travel it had. His response? "Jared, we are going to pass on the build out and withdraw the purchase order. Steve." And that was that. Ruger Trailers broke up with me.

I was surprised by Steve's response. In hindsight, maybe I should have done my research on the WWW to discover that the suspension would likely be leaf springs. But I was curious to know the specs. Of course, I never got a straight answer to that question, just a withdrawal of a purchase order.

As soon as I got Steve's email, I emailed back and apologized if I had offended him. I also called him, but no answer. Steve has not emailed back.

I'm bummed about this, but oh well.
Sorry to hear about that. I had an excellent experience with Steve. Love my Ruger. Good luck with your trailer
I met Steve on Saturday at his shop. He is really doing some cool stuff there and I encourage interested folks to give him a shout. He was every bit as nice and easy to work with in person, as he was on the phone. My only complaint was that we did not have more time to talk about other trailer ideas we both had for future projects.

Looking forward to a new trailer in a few weeks.

On the articulation question. I asked a well known local Toyota shop owner out of Golden about articulation on a trailer and his response was keep it simple with these things.

Leaf springs for the application I need, will work just fine for me.


New member
Ruger Trailers, LLC feels the need to respond to Kurijli...We answered each and every question Jared had as we do for all clients. A number of emails (14) went back and forth, we sent him photos, and had a number of phone calls. Jared, we tried our best. We build a premium trailer at a very attractive price and have good customer relationships! You on the other hand nickled and dimed us to the point where we did in fact withdraw the purchase order. Then on EP you stated incorrect facts and numbers. Your confusion on the leaf springs as well as the pricing is perplexing. You queered the deal over $45.00. Lastly, we are not anonymous. Our name, phone number and business reputation is clearly in the public domain. However, as "kurijli" you publish misinformation anonymously. Two calls to "Kurijli" aka Jared Inouye, were not returned!!!
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New member
"Trailerguy," -- I assume that this is Steve Seiler of Ruger Trailers -- you did call me twice, TODAY. And then this evening, you sent me an email, telling me that you did not believe EP was the appropriate place to raise my issues with you. Let me respond now to your EP post.

You say you answered all my questions. Is that really true?

I asked you what kind of suspension you run on your trailers. Your response? "Jared, we are going to pass on the build out and withdraw the purchase order. Steve." I don't consider that a very satisfactory answer.

In response to your bizarre response, I apologized if I had offended you in any way, and asked why? I didn't get a response to that question at all. Were your two calls to me today (and two weeks after I asked you why you were backing out) to answer that question? If so, sorry I missed them.

So, I guess your response is that I "queered" the deal over $45.00. Is this how you build the "good customer relationships" you say you have? The fact is, you told me the cost would be $3,700, then you sent me a purchase order for $3,745. After I pointed that out, you confirmed, in writing, that $3,700 was fine. This is what you said: "Contract price of $3,700.00 is satisfactory." $45 doesn't mean much to me, but if someone tells me something, I expect them to live up to that.

Then, a few hours after you told me that $3,700.00 was "satisfactory," you reneged and withdrew the purchase order. The simple fact is, we both spent time getting to where we had a deal, we actually had a deal, then you withdrew the deal. You, not me, "queered" the deal.

You say I "nickled and dimed" you. I'm sorry you felt that way, but you offered to sell your product for $3,700, then you got cold feet and withdrew it. Don't make a bargain you can't live up to. In hindsight, you were offended that I asked for a credit for the default wheels. But isn't that reasonable? If I'm only getting two wheels and two tires, why should I pay for four wheels and four tires? Here's a thought: if you don't like your end of the deal, say no. Don't make a deal, then back out without any explanation and go radio silent, which is what you did. Is that what "tried our best" means? Here's another thought: rather than operate on the fly, publish the price of a wheel upgrade so your customers don't wonder whether/why they are paying twice for wheels.

Now that my name and number has been published, I invite anyone who cares or who might be thinking of doing business with Steve to call me.



It reflects poorly that a shop chooses to publish someone private information on the forum.
I'm sure it's possible to publish Steve's home number to. But there is no benefit to doing that and leaves a bad impression about the vendor.


New member
disgruntled non-customer

Jared Inouye - No disrespect, but we are not going to engage or further respond to this nonsense. We never verbally quoted $3,300. We work only by written purchase order that includes all terms and conditions of sale and signed by both parties! Colorado law requires this. Notwithstanding, you were never quoted $3,300.

Ruger Trailers, LLC
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I am not a moderator here, nor the thread police but maybe time to take further discussion on this issue to a private message. I hope Jared and Steve can find common ground, as life is a short journey.

Ruger Trailers makes a solid line of trailers and this thread was helpful in researching the products they have available.

I hope this thread can continue to be a resource for those interested in researching this trailer option.


New member
Rockwood, Our company and contact information is in the public domain. Anyone can contact us at any time. "kurijli" posted false information about us on EP. I called him three times and left messages asking him to return calls. No response. I emailed him and said "EP not an appropriate forum for his comments. He continued on EP with more nonsense. His reply "he thinks EP appropriate forum" . First of all what he said is patently untrue. We treat purchase orders as private matters. Jared Inouye, put information on EP about business practices, pricing, discussions that were not true. But when someone intentionally tries to disparage our business on EP, and publishes false information on EP, he loses the cloak of anonymity, at least regarding this issue! Anonymous bashing lacks integrity and courage....I think truth and transparency trumps anonymity!!!


New member
Just thought I would add a small comment. I have done business with Steve and bought a Ruger trailer from him. He put SO much effort into making just how I wanted it. He went ABOVE AND BEYOND. Serious, he is a very kind person and is a person of integrity. It was a pleasure to do business with him. And, my experience was just as how Ruger Trailers was describing in the post: my estimate was laid-out on paper and was a formal agreement...very transparent. I love my trailer and Steve did a great job!


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Just thought I would add a small comment. I have done business with Steve and bought a Ruger trailer from him. He put SO much effort into making just how I wanted it. He went ABOVE AND BEYOND. Serious, he is a very kind person and is a person of integrity. It was a pleasure to do business with him. And, my experience was just as how Ruger Trailers was describing in the post: my estimate was laid-out on paper and was a formal agreement...very transparent. I love my trailer and Steve did a great job!

I am having the same exact experience with Steve. Several phone calls about what I wanted in the beginning, finding me a hub adapter fabricator, estimate all laid out on paper, we both agreed, signed and Steve went to work on my trailer immediately. He has spent a ton of time with me in person and on the phone, emails, updates with pics, etc..

Really happy with the process.

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