RV repair shops + ballistic panels manufacturing build indestructible no easier way to build


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The family trust owns a few RV repair shops + ballistic panel manufacturing shops
So holiday talk comes on how to build an indestructible trailer.
Then how is the easiest way to build . May have 4- to 5-year-old wanting to build.
This won't hurt the business. We will be making millions off alumabond crap. The plastic expands at a different rate so whole panels has to be removed also so crap fiberglass on a roll filon . So sad
I feel bad when some comes in with a repair cost as much as the trailer cost
The next time you drive by a semi trailer with an aluminum frame, See the bow convex shape'

Too many build a trailer to stifle and hammer it shelf to death

The first thing to know is the web bull ******** about expoy and home depo foam. If they tell you the right foam will melt. There a liar

You need to use ploy resin to help pre load wall panel. For the convex shape'
The rip off on many pre made fiberglass panels is the high price angle to hold together .
IF building with real fiberglass why not DIY real fiberglass that expands the same outer ring and inside
shipping is a waste of cash for rolls of crap fiberglass , how good is it if you can roll it up . Easier to ship 5 gal buckets. To do your own handlay glass
Any thing choppergun is heavy weak crap
You need a $12 hard board to start 5 spring clamps 4 are 5 ea 4inch clamps some orange tie downs about $8.00 US .A $15 .00 oscillating saw

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New member
will post pictures. autocorrect with a translator not the best this is how to build the easiest way even if you cannot cut a strata line . On a pod that will last a lifetime We are getting so many alumabond crap. in the shops . I feel bad for everyone that gets ripped off that style of crap


New member
Most don't need bullet resistant trailer. .Just by using a c convex shape that can move a bit. . An outer skin that is repairable. There a few shops that are building this way. . For most of the small pods many home builders build a trailer to stifle and hammer itself to death . Are using alumabond crap When the foil tears no way to fix it without replacing $65.00 panel with 35 hr of book time

The industry as a whole suffers from "value engineering" where folks are paid to make things cheaper for higher profits. The real problem are buyers - who generally have no technical education to realize what they are getting, and the industry in America for refusing to even create standards to support and conform.
SO right.
Most of the advantage is the ease of the build. Few tools . a hand full of clamps. Straps over large clamps are not needed. has a large overhanging frame of the same material as the outer skin that expands the same. AN foam-filled ring.
we have built over 10 that have been beaten to hell
The best part is when they come back in from use . Pull the mattress out a fast steam ready to go out again .
By using hand-laid fiberglass with woven and ploy resin that shrinks in a two-part lay-up. Make the convex shape.

the next time you drive by a semi trailer with an aluminum frame, See the bow convex shape
The ease of covering all mistakes. . You do not even need to cut a state line
It is light most of the build is done on a table.
My father-in-law builds them for us . he is 71 and has limited use of one arm.
.look at the picture and see the ease of build premade wall panels, inside fiberglass hand-laid angle so it pulls in on it shelf with a bit of flex the same on the outside that it


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Stop by my father n law shop . This is to be pulled behind my Honda 1200 .
When being pulled by Cam-am maverick. Will be put on a different frame, the pod will be 40'' by 60'' with 30'' fold-out in the back for feet
what makes it so easy to build wall panels float one picture looking down will have can foam for the gap.
No big clamps you need to push more than a clamp


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OZARKER did not know i had that much power over you to read it was it was painful for you can't read that why the pictures


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the way this works you cannot use crap on a roll it on a 4'' roll how strong can it be .
You see many weak foam glass trailers they cut one side of skin it flops.
you have get past the dam epoxy liars. that polyester eats at all home depo foam you can get ico foam from roofing Suplers
There just liars
What makes the convict panels is that polyester resin shrinks and with the woven it pulls.
The frame the fiberglass angle DIY on inside out side. Frist pic showed 3'' of out side angle frame 462279213_2095451234223538_3944622951541151420_n.jpg sm.jpg465220626_2114521092316552_3940652727362136541_n.jpg465237550_2114520978983230_5986390642630891055_n.jpg464970494_2114520928983235_7810974709760507066_n.jpg
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The only hard part of these trailers is the wild turkeys like to pick at the foam if left out till we get the caps on the foam covered


^It's Thanksgiving. Give all your friends freshly killed wild turkey as a present.
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Also, regarding building... I rounded and filled all the edges and hand-laid them with epoxy and FG, like the panels. And I did not use HD foam... could have used polyester resin, but that stuff seems very toxic. Plus, I found very nice epoxy that was only $30/gal, so there was no point.

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