An odd question but hear me out.
What GOOD salt and pepper shakers are people using out there for their camp setups? I'm currently using these GSI salt and pepper shakers ( ) and I hate them with a passion! Poorly designed camp equipment pisses me off and these take the cake out of the many contenders.
First off you have to be careful what cap you put on because the holes on some are too big and the holes on others are too small.
Second the salt or pepper gets past the shaker and pools under the lid if they're upside down (and since they're on opposite ends one will always be upside down). Then when you open the top the excess spills out and suddenly you added 1/4tsp of pepper to a dish that shouldn't have pepper in it (like you were going to put pepper on your scrambled eggs but opened it over your Apple+Cinnamon Oatmeal! True story.)
Then the shakers have a tenancy to come off while closed so that when you unscrew the lid the whole thing comes off as one piece and you have to pry the shaker top out of the threads with the tines of a fork to put it back on.
Screw these cheap pieces of trash! People have been recreation camping for a century now; I want something that works and works well.
- I don't want to have a full size salt and pepper shaker/grinder from the store because I don't use that much spice in a season. For it's flaws the GSI is the perfect size.
- It doesn't have to be full on waterproof but humidity proof is a must. Being nearly airtight helps a lot to keep the spices fresh since they'll probably get lots of temperature swings being in your chuck box all season.
- I'd prefer snap shut tops to the screw on tops. If I'm busy cooking I don't want to have to fumble with getting the thing opened while my food starts to burn.
- It needs to be individually refillable or multiple small shakers. Those 6 in one spice containers seem conveniently compact and appealing until you find out you use way more salt than anything else and end up having to buy another separate container just for that.
If you remember those old 35mm Film Canister shaker caps those were ideal. But they seem to be discontinued.
I also liked those mini Morton Salt and Pepper shakers that were an inch tall. Not good for adding a tbsp of salt to a dish but great for seasoning meals in an ultralight-backpacking setup.
How can we live in a world where you can send live video of yourself from a mountain top using a GPS enabled mini computer phone but the design of our camping gear is actually getting worse?
What GOOD salt and pepper shakers are people using out there for their camp setups? I'm currently using these GSI salt and pepper shakers ( ) and I hate them with a passion! Poorly designed camp equipment pisses me off and these take the cake out of the many contenders.
First off you have to be careful what cap you put on because the holes on some are too big and the holes on others are too small.
Second the salt or pepper gets past the shaker and pools under the lid if they're upside down (and since they're on opposite ends one will always be upside down). Then when you open the top the excess spills out and suddenly you added 1/4tsp of pepper to a dish that shouldn't have pepper in it (like you were going to put pepper on your scrambled eggs but opened it over your Apple+Cinnamon Oatmeal! True story.)
Then the shakers have a tenancy to come off while closed so that when you unscrew the lid the whole thing comes off as one piece and you have to pry the shaker top out of the threads with the tines of a fork to put it back on.
Screw these cheap pieces of trash! People have been recreation camping for a century now; I want something that works and works well.
- I don't want to have a full size salt and pepper shaker/grinder from the store because I don't use that much spice in a season. For it's flaws the GSI is the perfect size.
- It doesn't have to be full on waterproof but humidity proof is a must. Being nearly airtight helps a lot to keep the spices fresh since they'll probably get lots of temperature swings being in your chuck box all season.
- I'd prefer snap shut tops to the screw on tops. If I'm busy cooking I don't want to have to fumble with getting the thing opened while my food starts to burn.
- It needs to be individually refillable or multiple small shakers. Those 6 in one spice containers seem conveniently compact and appealing until you find out you use way more salt than anything else and end up having to buy another separate container just for that.
If you remember those old 35mm Film Canister shaker caps those were ideal. But they seem to be discontinued.
I also liked those mini Morton Salt and Pepper shakers that were an inch tall. Not good for adding a tbsp of salt to a dish but great for seasoning meals in an ultralight-backpacking setup.
How can we live in a world where you can send live video of yourself from a mountain top using a GPS enabled mini computer phone but the design of our camping gear is actually getting worse?