Salt and Pepper shaker recommendations?


New member
I like the pre-packaged grinders from McCormick.
The first thing that came to my mind was the cheapo disposable salt and pepper grinders you find at the grocery store. Pre-ground peppercorns and rocksalt aren't as likely to leak fine dust everywhere, and your spices (well, your pepper anyways; I've never experienced stale salt) will at least be fresh when you use it. I bet a savvy soul could even find a way to refill these to get a few seasons out of 'em.


Those mini tupperware ones are almost exatly what I remember having good luck with when I was younger I may have to buy a set for Salt, Pepper, and common/versatile spices.

And yes, it's a first world problem... For a first world hobby. We spend tons of money to leave big comfortable homes to go "Rough it" in conditions the third world considers normal.
I have my whole camp/expedition setup so I don't NEED anything more. But most of what I have is either budget gear, or could be better designed or fit my setup better. So I'm at the point of upgrading or refining the gear I have, and like I said I HATE poorly designed camp gear, especially when it seems regressive over cheaper stuff we used to have available.

Other pet peeves and bad designs to be replaced:
-Lighters and BBQ wands that don't work when cold, humid, or at high altitudes. ($0.50 Bic lighters still seem to be most reliable).
-"Strike Anywhere" matches that won't strike anywhere (or "fizz" without any flame).
-Coffee mugs that are too big, too small, or won't nest. It needs to be all three.
-Cooking utensils that melt when near heat. I mean honestly! (GSI again!)
-Coolers sold without racks that hold your food above the melted ice water so you don't end up with contaminated hazy gross soup at the end of the trip. Another thing that they used to sell and just don't do anymore. My cooler still has slots in it where you can put in plastic dividers that aren't sold anymore.

I could probably come up with another 20 issues after my next trip but this is all I remember off the top of my head from my last trip.

Another example is Coleman's crappy stove stands they have now! I chucked that wobbily piece of garbage and ebayed one of their aluminum ones from the 1950s. Their stove stands used to be awesome!

Lucky j

I have a set of those mini-Tupperware containers linked by OCD Overland that are at least fifty years old -- we used them camping when I was a little kid -- and they still work fine.

But I also have a compartment in my plastic kitchen utensil Plano box that's stocked with fast-food salt/pepper/Cajun Sparkle, which I gotta admit is a fine solution in today's world.

I just bought a set of those to keep in our new teardrop trailer.


Coffee Mugs

Wow. Don't get me started on poorly designed coffee cups. My wife likes to buy crap online without seeing or touching it and somehow managed to get me a "Land Rover" logo travel cup that is round on the bottom (not flat) and leaks... So it might be genuine Land Rover? Anyway those are it's two BEST features... It goes downhill from there.

Yet as a Christmas gift... I'm somehow the donkey if I don't use it. Thanks a million Amazon!

Yes... I have thousands of pet peeves, and a very low tolerance for poor design.


Expedition Leader
I use this one with good success. It feels a little overkill, but it works and is compact

But I also usually have a set of disposable one from Morton around in one of my camp kitchen boxes too:


I use grenade pins.

I don't understand this one... :confused: Maybe more details? I was never in the infantry, but I didn't think the pins were titanium...

I suppose the grenade itself provides a nice weight to keep the napkin from "blowing" away. And might be a good bear deterrent/ campsite security device too. (Look how many threads we can pull together!:wings:)

Do you prefer the pineapple looking ones, or the smoother version?


I don't understand this one... :confused: Maybe more details? I was never in the infantry, but I didn't think the pins were titanium...

I suppose the grenade itself provides a nice weight to keep the napkin from "blowing" away. And might be a good bear deterrent/ campsite security device too. (Look how many threads we can pull together!:wings:)

Do you prefer the pineapple looking ones, or the smoother version?



I was trying to figure how to use either the grenade pin or ring for a salt shaker :)

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