Looking good Jess. I was wondering what you where going to with the bottom edge of the walls, thats why I am doing mine with the angle iron that is big enough for the whole panel to sit on.
I really appreciate you and your build, it is giving me things to do and things not to do. And I dont mean that in a bad way, I mean it as in "this is how I was going to do it, but not now"
As for the bubbles under the glass, I was reading here about SIPs and one of the manufactures was talking about water getting in the panel. He show a pic of the edge of a panel and it had a saw kerf down the foam to let the air out during vaccing. I plan on buying the cheapest circular saw blade I can and rounding the teeth of it so I can put a kerf on the foam panels. I want the kerf to be 1/16 deep with a rounded bottom, to avoid a stress point in the foam. It will probably just fill up with epoxy anyway but it might help get the air out.
Edit, a way for you to do the wheel wells is just like you did the foot well. Just a 1 inch piece of metal welded to a strip cut out in the right shape. It would take a while to make thou.
Thanks, that is one of the main reasons why I post how I do things. So other people can see another way and maybe come up with a better way to do it or at least maybe get a bit of motivation/inspiration to work on their own project.
I know Styromax uses foam with grooves in it. They buy it pre-sanded and pre grooved.
I am going to give bending some aluminum a shot. Worst case I'll weld up some 18ga pieces to go in the fender wells.