. . . We add what's called micro-balloons to the epoxy to create a slurry mix. This works amazing for filling in the weave of the fiberglass and creates a glass-like smooth surface.
Thank you for writing, and I totally agree with what you are saying. However, my final finish coating will be Monstaliner, which is rough textured. I am going for tough waterproofing over sleek smoothness. For what it's worth, lately when I think of micro-balloons, I recall the cute animated movie "Up." How many micro-balloons does it take to get a lawn chair with an old fat man on it up into the air? But I digress.
Yesterday was not a day of great advancement. I cross threaded a stainless steel bolt into a tee-nut on the wall as I was test fitting a hinge. I have dedicated a few hours to removing it, and it is still there. I have a bad feeling this will involve a wood patch sometime soon. Bad Dan.
But I did lay some fiberglass cloth in the wheel wells to cover the sides. The steel fenders cover the front, back, and top great, but I thought I could add a little protection in there.
And the second door is mostly assembled, waiting for the inner skin to be applied this morning.
A word about the Sawtooth XL: These plans are very well thought out. Every time I think I would do something differently, when I sit and think about it, the designer has a very good reason for doing it the way it is drawn. For instance, why use tee-nuts, why not through-bolt the door hinges? Well, if you do so, the inner nuts will not allow the current design of the door jamb with bulb seal, that is why. Using through bolts will force a redesign of the entire door sealing system. That is a major thing.
Anyway, back at it this morning. With a freaking Sawzall. Or maybe a couple of bigger vice-grips.
Mushin_Noshin and Stomper XJ, thank you for your kind words. It is nice to know that the audience actually exists.