A Few Frustrating Days
Spent Saturday doing final conceptualization of the rear galley hatch, and odds and ends. I heard a loud crash followed by yelling, and ran inside to find my brother under a pile of plywood and parts. He slipped, fell to his knees, and some panels that had been leaning while awaiting their turn to become sawdust fell on him. He banged up his knees pretty badly and squashed one fender pretty flat. Thankfully, he was not immobilized.
I spent the rest of the day cutting some 1/4 inch panels for skinning the exterior and interior. I cut them overlength so they can be trimmed to exact fit once glued and stapled into place.
Sunday I started kerfing the rearmost roof panel. First, I experimented on some scrap material. Before that, I used Mr. Google to try and find a formula or schedule for kerfing different thicknesses of material. I did find one formula, but it was just flat wrong. But it did occupy my time. At my age, I don't buy green bananas, so I need very few time wasters.
I corresponded with Jess and reviewed his build thread on the original Sawtooth XL. At post 186, he describes kerfing about 2/3 of the way through the material, at 1/4 inch spacing. The photos there corroborate that. He had no apparent problems, and his curves are well faired.
I tried twice to cut kerfs that would allow the plywood to bend around that 7 in radius and was unsuccessful. Spectacularly unsuccessful. The first time I cut the kerfs too deep, I think. The second time I got out the digital caliper and measured the plywood. It was 13/64 thick, made of three plies: Two outer plies of 3/64 and an inner ply of 7/64. So I calculated a kerf of 1/8 inch would be a little less than 2/3 of the total thickness. To compensate for that .67/64, I made the cuts on 1/4 inch centers.
No Bueno. It seemed to do well while test fitting but failed at several points while installing it. This was after several hours of measuring, laying it out, setting up the cuts, cutting, and test fitting. To say I'm bummed is an understatement.
Anyway, I think I will go get some door skins tomorrow, and try them. I tried a piece of scrap door skin, and it made the curve without kerfing. If I glue and staple one down, let the glue set, and then laminate another skin on top of that, I should have the strength and thickness I need.
However, if anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to reading them.