Final Post for a Few Weeks-Part 1
I have t dash off to Birmingham to help my daughter-in-law with my grandkids. Who wouldn't do that for a chance to see all three grandkids, plus maybe drive Highway 2 back across the so-called northern tier states?
Anyway, the photos are fairly self-explanatory, except for the first one. This sign is on a neighborhood driveway. The chickens share the same green space as two goats and a donkey. Why don't the goats and donkey get to play?

Maybe they are large enough for folks to see them, so no warning signs are necessary but in this day of striving for equality, I think fairness requires such signage.

Interior shot showing nose and window framing.

Interior shot of fan location and wiring stubbed in.

Parts laid out for application of CPES.

CPES applied.

Seams taped on the roof.

Preparing to put the cabin on the trailer.

On the trailer and loosely attached.

Rear panel installed with light housings attached. I used Bondo to glue them on then put screws in from the back of the panel.
At my limit for images . . .