I had some lame experiences with rock auto. They are like amazon without the benefits. Never again. Your order is not worth it them.
Worst was tire rack with some brake pads. Some ceramic akebono performance pads for a P38. Did not fit. The backing plate and paint or whatever it was coated with did not fit the caliper. I had to grind it off because the guy wouldn't do anything. Didn't believe me even when I sent pics... And they were the crappiest pads I have ever used. Almost as bad as ebc....
I don't fault the op, there should be some qc especially for a safety item such as BRAKE CALIPERS..... And just because it didn't make any noise doesn't mean it wasn't rubbing....
Using ebc, well I still don't get that people buy them for these trucks. On a race car they work. On a land rover, not so much.
Oh and britcrap, Eric britpart, have had horrible luck with both pan gaskets, cross seals and head gaskets from them...genuine and elring work better IMO.