There are strong feelings in both camps (metal vs plastic) regarding jerry cans; but after the following experience with Scepter, I am fully entrenched in their camp.
Last year I purchased a Scepter Manufacturing Ltd plastic 20 liter (5 gallon) Military Fuel Can (MFC) and three plastic 20 liter Military Water Cans (MWC). I've used the MFC for about a year and like it a lot. It does not leak no matter if it's stored upright or not or how I throw it around; and a few scratches are not going to be a starting point for rust. It works very well.
I haven't used the MWC's until I started getting ready for an upcoming back country trip to Colorado and Utah; and I found that all three of the MWC's seep/drip/leak from the fill cap when placed on their side no matter how tight that I turn the cap. I emailed the online merchant where I purchased them, and haven't received a response.
Hi DUTCH... I am up in Dawsonville... 1/3rd mile off 400... ever come up this way? If you do... let me know... would love to meet another member in person... as I am leaving for a few years... in about 30 days... Feedback on my gear is always welcomed!... have good coffees!!!
I have settled on WEDCO cans... 2 blue for water... 1 yellow for bike fuel (high test...), they are the ones with the metal caps and pin... which I like, even though I never used them yet!... and 2 red ones for truck and gen set... the whole country seems to be out of the red ones with the metal cap!
So they are the ones with the "plastic" cap... they seem that they will not cross thread as the threads are pretty coarse, unlike the cheapo "Home Depot" likes... I have been concerned also about the UV rays destroying plastic capability and this has been my reasonning behind my purchase... years of usage will tell its quality...
I have also purchased 2 Super Siphon's... one for water and one for fuel... 3.5
Gal/mn... I like their principle, again have not tested it... anyone has?
The can I have however really enjoyed... if there is such a thing (!)... is the NO-Spill can, which I have one... not a drop... easy to fill the bike's tank... whatever... I have a 2.5G... from the big cans to the small cans to the tank!
Hey... I won't have much else to do!!!
I know it is plastic... but I like it...
Be well... Ara