Hi Corey,
Pretty good advice so far in this thread. Here's a few more points for clarity:
1) The magnitude of your prescription will determine whether or not you can use "Rx-able" wrap around's, like what Oakley and other sunglasses companies offer. The reason for this is that wrap around's have a high base curve (curvature of the front surface of the lens). They can not manufacture high power lenses with large base curves. It's just how the physics works out. Most wrap around.s have an upper limit of +/- 2-3 diopters.
2) If your Rx is too high for wrap around’s lenses themselves, some wrap around frames accept Rx inserts, which may or may not be acceptable to you for the reasons stated by others. Personally I don’t like them.
3) As a general rule, you get what you pay for with sunglasses. In my experience those Performance brand frames are junk. Oakley’s and Rudy Projects are very good, as are some of the other more expensive end brands. With the cheap ones you sacrifice not only the optical quality of the lenses, but on the strength and comfort of the frame material. Being in the business might make me bias, but I still am willing to pay more of my own money for good lenses.
4) As for the lens tint I suggest simply trying different types before you buy. The color of the tint, photochromatic lenses, polarization, and darkness of the tint are almost entirely determined by personal preference. I prescribe lenses for sports vision, and also for the visually impaired and legally blind. I could talk all day about vision theory, but in reality the type of tints people prefer depend on many circumstances that are unique to how you’ll use the lens. The best thing to do is try them out in person (not by guessing with online demos). Go to REI or something and see what they’ve got. Personally I prefer brown polarized lenses for cycling both on and off road on sunny days. I prefer clear or orange lenses for cloudy days. I prefer photochromatic if I’m just not sure what the day will bring :bike_rider:
Good luck with your eye exam :sombrero:
Very well inform.:iagree::bowdown:
I have an optometry office and have been using Oakley frame/lenses for the last 15 yrs. I currently have 7 pairs of Oakley. RX and non-RX