School me on home-defense (gun related).


I read about an incident in New York City ages ago. Cab drivers were being robbed at gunpoint, so the NYPD put some undercover officers in cabs. Sure enough, one of them found a revolver pointed at him from the back seat. The cop drew his own .38, and both blokes emptied their weapons at each other from a distance of two feet. Clean misses, every shot.

The cop subdued the guy by jumping into the back seat and beating him to a pulp.

Apparently even most well trained law enforcement just spray bullets when under stress. That's one reason why its important to be smart about finding ways to not point a gun.

When I looked at defending from aggressive bears it became clear that a good bear spray was better than a hand gun. With a handgun it probably needs to be a magnum. So a revolver. A .44 would be best, but I wouldn't shoot enough to stay proficient. So I would choose a 357. When do I start shooting at a grizzly that's acting aggressive? 99% of the time he's not going to attack. 9 out of ten charges are bluffs.

With bear spray a "wall" of pain can be shot out about 20 feet as the bear charges. It doesn't take accuracy, and it doesn't require figuring out what the bear is really doing.

Did you read about the guy last week who shot the burglary who turned out to be his fiance? Probably should have gone for the alarm system instead of a gun.

Cackalak Han

Sad, sad story. Should've gotten an alarm system OR some proper tactics/HD courses? My friend sleeps with his 40, loaded, chambered. I pray he doesn't end up making the same mistake.

As far as bears, I've heard both sides. Some say that spray is the best. Others say the spray is not going to work all the time, either, and just make the bear madder. And if the bear charges from 20ft, and the spray doesn't work (or a gun), you won't have time to do much else... I think I'd rather have my gun to at least have a little bit of chance before I'm completely devoured.


I'm in favor of both. With spray first. I don't believe spray can make the situation worse. I think the bear is mad anyway, and the spray missed his eyes. Nice thing about spray is that its effect is independent of animal size.

People actually talk about needing to hit a large grizzlies nervous system with a hand gun to stop him. A single action revolver probably allows one accurate shot in a complex shoot/don't shoot situation. Some bears associate gun fire with food. But a bear that's been sprayed before (and many have) associate pain.

I think with a handgun only and some distance, I would first shoot to miss an aggressive bear. A full magnum load from 50 feet would probably be the loudest sound the animal has ever heard. But planning these things is never how it happens - with bears or bad people.

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
Spray is the way. No need to shoot a bear. I have never heard of bear spray NOT working unless used improperly.

Are we seriously talking about bears in a home defense thread?

I'm thinking maybe we don't have it so bad here in Texas, with our snakes and fire ants!


Cackalak Han

Yeah, I hope to never fund myself in that situation, but if I do, hopefully I'll have at least one or the other on hand.

Leary - an intruder is an intruder!! :D


Expedition Leader
Did you read about the guy last week who shot the burglar who turned out to be his fiance? Probably should have gone for the alarm system instead of a gun

As far is the home defense situation goes. I think its all about whats best for your particular setup. I have my gun loaded and on double action, so that its a "pick up and fire" situation.

That being said, my gun is in a digital keypad lockbox that only my wife and I know the combo to. If this pad is played with, and the incorrect numbers are pressed, it shuts off for about 2 mins. ("Baseball bat time" for me in that case. It sits next to my bed as "plan B..hahaha)

This is to protect my kids from themselves. This also requires the frame of mind to successfully unlock it. In that situation, with the gun in hand pointed safely, first step is to quietly secure the locations of my wife (in bed), kids (in their room), all while keeping my attention down the hallway where a break-in would likely occur.

If there is an intruder in their/our room, likely they'd hear the safe's solenoid working and it would turn into my worst I just have to focus on what I can control, do it safely, and put myself between the threat and my family, as best I can.

I do in fact, practice with the lights off, at night, with an unloaded/disabled airsoft that serves as a prop in my wifes theatre program sometimes. Simply knowing where the dark spots and cover is in your house, I think, can really help you be more effective at clearing your home safely.

I've also taken the time to stop and listen inside and outside, around 11 or 12 pm on ,say, a friday night. It helps you start to understand what noises are common and which should be questioned.

Wrongful shootings/accidental shootings are horrible, though. I can't imagine how one might feel after that. Thats why I take gun ownership very seriously and take all the precautions I can, while still keeping the gun ready to use.


Expedition Leader
I am not for or aginst the topic at hand or all the things discussed in it.

I am just glad I live where I do not lock my doors, leave keys in the ign. of my trucks and never, ever worry about personal safety or security. It is hard for me to imagine worrying this much about security that you have a plan worked out with your family in your home if something does happen. Not that it is a bad thing or wrong I just have a hard time wrapping my head around being that worried about protecting my life. In fact I do not ever want to live in a place where I have to worry about this.

That being said...I own a gun and will not hesitate to use it if that is required. Here in Wyoming it is legal to shoot a human being dead for simply trespassing. Perhaps that is why we have so little crime.....


I am just glad I live where I do not lock my doors, leave keys in the ign. of my trucks and never, ever worry about personal safety or security. ...................

I live 20 miles from some of the worst parts of Chicago and seldom lock my back door. My town had no burglaries last year. I have much less thought of crime than a similar neighborhood in metropolitan London. That's what most people outside the U.S. don't get: America is very big and crime is highly concentrated geographically.

One sad truth of easy gun availability is that a higher percentage of suicide attempts are fatal.

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
I am not for or aginst the topic at hand or all the things discussed in it.

I am just glad I live where I do not lock my doors, leave keys in the ign. of my trucks and never, ever worry about personal safety or security. It is hard for me to imagine worrying this much about security that you have a plan worked out with your family in your home if something does happen. Not that it is a bad thing or wrong I just have a hard time wrapping my head around being that worried about protecting my life. In fact I do not ever want to live in a place where I have to worry about this.

That being said...I own a gun and will not hesitate to use it if that is required. Here in Wyoming it is legal to shoot a human being dead for simply trespassing. Perhaps that is why we have so little crime.....

I'm sure many of us would love to live there... it would be really nice to be able to let my guard down once in a while...


Gunvault mounted to the side of the bed is my choice and highly recommended.
Easy and quick to open in the dark and the glock22 with crimson trace and streamlight tac-light will aid me or the wife in a bad situation (simple for teh wife to operate).
We bought the gunvault before my son was born (wifes insistence) but now having his friends over and in the house all the time, I'd have it no other way.

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