School me on home-defense (gun related).

Mc Taco

American Adventurist
Or TV's A-Team? A (alleged) Special Forces A-Team, firing a minimum of 10,000 rounds per episode, and not ONCE actually hitting anyone?

I actually find that kind of weapons portrayal more dangerous to the idea of gun safety than those where the hero dispatches the villain with one shot. 1000's of rounds sprayed with out care and no casualties, or one shot at close range with a life taken. One with no consequences, and the other with.

On another note, how can a LEO fire at a bad guy and miss and some dumb kid playing with a gun hit his friend and kill him. Please don't jump down my throat as if I think the Police are terrible shots. Not my point. None of my paper targets has ever fired back at me, or even said a disparaging word towards me. My point is "fate" seems to be a cruel mistress sometimes.


I have a under bed gunsafe for my Sig. I can access my hand gun in just a few seconds by pushing a 4 button code to open it. I have no fear that
my kids could get to it.
Also any time one of my kids wants to see it or go target shooting we do.
There is no curocity that way


On another note, how can a LEO fire at a bad guy and miss and some dumb kid playing with a gun hit his friend and kill him. Please don't jump down my throat as if I think the Police are terrible shots. Not my point. None of my paper targets has ever fired back at me, or even said a disparaging word towards me. My point is "fate" seems to be a cruel mistress sometimes.

Yes, most police are mediocre shots. Most only shoot on their annual qualifications, no more.

That said, a guy that practices regularly and scores high 90's everytime can still miss when the stuff hits the fan, and one on the opposite end of the spectrum who barely passes quals may end up winning that confrontation easily. You just never know until you "see the elephant" as the saying used to go.

..... I have seen thugs hit with multiple .45s walk into an ER while an officer gets hit with a .22 and dies.....

Not only is fate a cruel mistress, but Mr Murphy is a guy I would very much like to have a few words with.

Jonathan Hanson

Well-known member
Actually, with no offense at all to our law enforcement members, it's a complete misconception that police officers are all weapons experts. They pass a basic course, then qualify at more-or-less yearly intervals. That's it. Any further interest is up to them, and many have no interest at all. At least that's the way it is with the TPD according to many officers with whom I've spoken.

Of course, many also take it very seriously and make sure on their own that their training is up to snuff. And there are special units for which a high level of weapons skill is required.

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
a guy that practices regularly and scores high 90's everytime can still miss when the stuff hits the fan, and one on the opposite end of the spectrum who barely passes quals may end up winning that confrontation easily. You just never know until you "see the elephant" as the saying used to go.

I took an advanced training course where we were in Actual Drill type of shooting rooms with pop-up targets with background noise, lights flashing...etc

Amazing how much harder it is to draw your weapon and actually hit the target when there is multiple things going on around you that are all trying to distract you.

I can empty a magazine with double taps in the center ring of a target all day long at the range, but was amazed at the amount of misses I was getting when the distractions were put into the equation

I cant imagine when the adrenaline and the thought of another REAL gun pointed back at you how much this would change the outcome of even the best target shooters.

Personally, I'd take the shotgun anyday over the pistol

Cackalak Han

Just picked up my GP100 today. Can't wait to shoot it!! Also saw a flyer for a tactics class, which I will probably take.

Side note: There was NO ammo in the store!!! (for the .357) They had a couple bulk boxes (250 rounds) of .38sp, but none of .357 period. I was very surprised. So for right now, I have a 5lb hunk of metal in a box. :D


Expedition Leader
buy .38spl whenever you can. I'd have at least 10-15 boxes on hand, If i were you, simply to have in case there's another hike in raw material costs or another "ammo-grab" like we had earlier in the year.

don't think that .38spl won't do the job. It will! .357 is just a monster...:D congrats...


Thanks. I'm definitely stocking up on ammo. Both .38sp and .357mag. Can't believe nobody's got plenty in stock.

Ammo has been in short supply for more than a year. About 10 months ago it has been almost impossible to get, and prices through the roof. The availability is starting to improve now, but the prices are still pretty high.

FWIW my personal plan with .357 revolvers is to shoot .38 specials for practice, and whatever .357 mag +P+ for serious work. You won't notice the difference in a life or death situation.

Cackalak Han

Actually, Cabela's is running very very low, too.

SunTzu - Yes, that is what I planned to do. Save the more expensive .357 for actual use, .38sp for plinking/target shooting.


Expedition Leader
Actually, Cabela's is running very very low, too.

SunTzu - Yes, that is what I planned to do. Save the more expensive .357 for actual use, .38sp for plinking/target shooting.

This might not be the best plan...point of aim/impact will be different with .38 and .357

A lot of the training schools will tell you that its very important to train with what you will defend yourself with, that way you'll have muscle memory when it comes down to a fight or flight situation..

if you train with .38, and then load it up with .357 at home, you're setting yourself up for failure. If you we're say, going on a black bear or deer hunt with the revolver, I'd be the same deal. You'd want to put the appropriate amount of rounds through the gun to get accustomed to the blast, flame, recoil, etc. associated with the magnum round.

. 38spl is a "pop" in comparison.

now, getting to know how to load/unload/fire/clear jams, a different story. you wouldn't be concerned with where the round goes at all. either round would work, or even snapcaps(training rounds) or an empty gun...

oh, and just is absolutely fine to dryfire your gp100. just make sure you've still got it pointed in a safe direction and that you do it in a room separate from your VERY careful. Lots of people have holes in their wall from "being sure" it was empty. Just go to the range and look up and see all the holes in the walls/roofs from people who were "sure" haha...
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