endlessly. All urine separating, desiccating toilets do minimal actual composting. The benefit comes from keeping the ammonia out of the feces, which reduces the odor, and from reducing the volume by drying out the feces. The result is that you are dumping dry dirt as opposed to wet, smelly feces. Really that simple.
The Nature's Head can be successfully used in a wet bath; others cannot. If you have a wet bath, you will probably be happier with a unit that seals properly. If not, you will have to remove it or fabricate a waterproof cover. Sounds like you are trying to justify a product that is designed for a dry cabin and not a wet bath in a camper.
I took the easy way out. YMMV
I am not taking a dump on your toilet

. I think it is a fine product that appears to be well made.
I don't like that I have to handle a pee bottle daily or every few days. I have to mount the toilet away from the wall to flip the lid up. I have to remove the top, unbolt the bottom, and dump the contents into a compost pile, hole, or biodegradable bag. I have to add filler materials.
The only negative of the Separrett that I see (for my particular installation) is that if water is sprayed at the seat lid, some may find its way into the poo container and make it more stinky. For me, from a specification stand point, I like the Separrett better. I can either mount the toilet on a slide like someone here mentioned. I can cover it when showering, I can make a dry bathroom, I can wait for the next version where they say they will address the water infiltration concern. All of these options and concerns are better for me than the negatives I see in the Nature's Head.
I have listed the things I dislike about the different models. It is a compromise. Some negative aspects can be mitigated, others cannot. I could hard plumb the pee bottle on NH, but I still have the other negatives that I cannot change. It sounds easier to prevent water from entering a toilet than redesigning a toilet.
I am open to further information and opinions, but I have yet to hear an argument that suggests that I should change my mind.
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