I got in on one of these PM-1 batteries back in May of 2012 when they had a pricing error that brought them down to ~$120 (out the door.)
Been running it ragged ever since with Rigid Dually's, two ham radio installs (75 watt 2900r and 50 watt ftm350ar), numerous usb charging ports, streamlight charging dock for flashlight, and god knows what else. Drained it down pretty far on multiple camping trips just running the stereo at camp (multi-day, single-site car camping events.)
Even with the abuse, and being 3 years and 7 months old, it wasn't until this winter (subjective term being in Phoenix) that I wasn't happy with the startup cranking in the mornings.
Back in March of this year I had picked up this charger (after talking with the manufacturer and with the PM-1 battery specifically in mind) and have been using it to condition the PM-1 periodically since. (I've got a smaller P-5 battery for a backup during times when I want to take the Pm-1 completely out of the truck.)
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0...model 12248&qid=1451316350&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1
As was mentioned early in this thread, short-trips don't do that battery any favors. It takes a lot to charge it properly. My 'commute' is less than 1 mile round trip, plus a mid day lunch trip of about 3 miles. The OEM alternator (07 FJ) just can't give that battery what it needs under those conditions. I've also found that all the phantom current draws in the truck throw off the charger's brain a little bit and it kicks into maintenance mode quicker than it should (and flags the battery as 'weak') when it's charging in the truck. Take it out and remove all those variables and it's happily charging away/desulfating/whatevering the battery nicely.
I don't have any camping trips or remote trips of any type planned in the near future, so I'll probably run the P-5 for a month or so and give the PM-1 an extended stay in the battery maintenance spa, or until I need the extra runtime again.
Honestly, I'd be happy if it died right here and now with over 3 and a half years of HARD use, in Arizona no less. But I suspect I've got at least a couple more years to go with this battery. Maybe more with the help of the Battery Minder.