I have a 3rd gen 4runner that I am very happy to squeeze my family of 5 in. It is our Offroad Expedition Rig. Use: 4 night camping trips, take highway to trails, rock crawl to primitive camp. Not a daily driver. See signature for some mods.
My smallest child (of the 3) will be ready to move out of his 5-point harness in about a year (thats pushing it). It hit me like a ton of bricks and has really messed up my plans...there's no shoulder belt on the center rear seat in the 4runner... oh no!
From everything I have read it is absolutely dangerous and harmful to put a child in a seat with only a lap belt. My oldest/strongest just turned eight, so a small collosion would break her in half if in that seat.
I am totally in shock of this finding. I researched and searched for my 4runner when I bought it three years ago. I guess at that time I just never imagined my kids growing up...I can't believe I didn't think about this then.
So. I see two options:
1) Weld a complete roll cage/roof rack/new cargo kitchen out of steel, and install a 3-point seatbelt in the center seat. I would need to rebuild the kitchen and roof rack because my cargo space and storage will change with the additional supports for the seatbelt. This will likely require additional gear on the roof, and I already have plans for a custom roof rack/box. There's more details, but you get the idea...MOD THE 4RUNNER.
2) Accept the mistake, sell the runner and start my build over with a 100 series land cruiser (years 99, 2000 ish) The 100 has the center shoulder strap and a V8. We are about 2,000+ lbs over stock weight in the runner, including mods, gear, people, dog, water, food...all our stuff. So the 4runner already struggles to get us up some serious mountain hill climbs. In 4low, low and struggling to the top of a pass in CO has been sketchy a few times. The V8 LC would give us more power...but I "could" also swap a Lexus V8 into the runner when my V6 dies (that was the original long term plan) But...is that sensible, considering the seat belt mod that is also required now. The runner is also packed tight and we are very selective about what we can bring. We don't use a stove for example, its all cooked on the fire.
So...It seems to me that the horrible sad truth is that I bought the wrong rig and should move to an LC. Oh the pain and money that will cost me to get where I am now with my runner...sniff...tear...
I would LOVE to hear from you LC guys/gals and what you think. My 4runner is so nimble and graceful winding on the narrow CO trails. I need encouraging words about the 100 LC. It seems it will make a great offroad expedition rig when I get it built, but what am I not thinking of? I know that the runner will get tight in, say, 6 years when I have a 10, 12 and 14 year old.
Okay, I am rambling...hope some of you even read this whole post. I am a bit emotionally bummed about this. I was having a custom belly skid built for my runner next week, until this realization came to light. Now I feel totally consumed by this problem. I do ALOT of camping/mountain day trips with the family, so I need to get a plan in place so a year from now (max) I am back in good expedition shape with SAFE children.
I have a 3rd gen 4runner that I am very happy to squeeze my family of 5 in. It is our Offroad Expedition Rig. Use: 4 night camping trips, take highway to trails, rock crawl to primitive camp. Not a daily driver. See signature for some mods.
My smallest child (of the 3) will be ready to move out of his 5-point harness in about a year (thats pushing it). It hit me like a ton of bricks and has really messed up my plans...there's no shoulder belt on the center rear seat in the 4runner... oh no!
From everything I have read it is absolutely dangerous and harmful to put a child in a seat with only a lap belt. My oldest/strongest just turned eight, so a small collosion would break her in half if in that seat.
I am totally in shock of this finding. I researched and searched for my 4runner when I bought it three years ago. I guess at that time I just never imagined my kids growing up...I can't believe I didn't think about this then.
So. I see two options:
1) Weld a complete roll cage/roof rack/new cargo kitchen out of steel, and install a 3-point seatbelt in the center seat. I would need to rebuild the kitchen and roof rack because my cargo space and storage will change with the additional supports for the seatbelt. This will likely require additional gear on the roof, and I already have plans for a custom roof rack/box. There's more details, but you get the idea...MOD THE 4RUNNER.
2) Accept the mistake, sell the runner and start my build over with a 100 series land cruiser (years 99, 2000 ish) The 100 has the center shoulder strap and a V8. We are about 2,000+ lbs over stock weight in the runner, including mods, gear, people, dog, water, food...all our stuff. So the 4runner already struggles to get us up some serious mountain hill climbs. In 4low, low and struggling to the top of a pass in CO has been sketchy a few times. The V8 LC would give us more power...but I "could" also swap a Lexus V8 into the runner when my V6 dies (that was the original long term plan) But...is that sensible, considering the seat belt mod that is also required now. The runner is also packed tight and we are very selective about what we can bring. We don't use a stove for example, its all cooked on the fire.
So...It seems to me that the horrible sad truth is that I bought the wrong rig and should move to an LC. Oh the pain and money that will cost me to get where I am now with my runner...sniff...tear...
I would LOVE to hear from you LC guys/gals and what you think. My 4runner is so nimble and graceful winding on the narrow CO trails. I need encouraging words about the 100 LC. It seems it will make a great offroad expedition rig when I get it built, but what am I not thinking of? I know that the runner will get tight in, say, 6 years when I have a 10, 12 and 14 year old.
Okay, I am rambling...hope some of you even read this whole post. I am a bit emotionally bummed about this. I was having a custom belly skid built for my runner next week, until this realization came to light. Now I feel totally consumed by this problem. I do ALOT of camping/mountain day trips with the family, so I need to get a plan in place so a year from now (max) I am back in good expedition shape with SAFE children.