Hey, guys...thanks so much for all the various responses and opinions...I would expect nothing less from an online forum. That's why I like posting questions on forums, because I want REAL opinions. Sure, 4Rescue (Dave), your responses are certainly opinionated, and I am very happy that you are sharing your HONEST feedback. I commend you for sharing what is obviously your real feelings on the matter...knowing they may be off the wall from the norm.
For the record, I think this has been a great and helpful thread for me, so nobody get upset or hot-headed, please. We all have something in common no matter what...vehicle dependent expeditions!
I know that there are always inherent dangers in life, and more so probably in civilized modern life. My problem is knowing there is something better than what I have. NO, I don't mean living like our throw-away society does...scraping a perfectly good cell phone for the next, slightly better version. Or suddenly soaps not good enough...you need "hand sanitizer" or the millions of other examples in our society where the minute something "better" comes on the market, our former "something" is suddenly and immediately "not good enough"...I hate that our "western" or "American" culture has become that...we think we're too good for just about everything...but that's a different rant.
My problem is when I try to rationalize the seat belt issue, I can't get past the "what if". I am a great and very careful driver, and even though I inspect my rig before every trip, doesn't mean a ball joint won't decide one day to go from "no play in the joint, it's all okay" to a sudden snap at 65 mph on the way to Moab. My driving doesn't stop the "whoever" from side swiping me when I am looking for cars the other way. I can be as attentative and alert as possible, but on a road with hundreds of other drivers passing by and interacting in close proximity to me from every angle...I can't dare be so proud as to think I have total control. Hell...I could have a heart attack or blood clot or any other weird event occur in my body that could inhibit my driving. I buy lotto tickets every so often, and the odds are far better we'll all die in a wreck...If I am willing to play the lotto odds, I have to be willing to accept the other odds in life. (it "could" happen to me). The "what if's" go on and on. If just ONE of those what if's occurred and my 8 year old daughter who would be selected for the middle seat just because she was 15 lbs heavier than her two-year younger brother was killed or injured worse than the rest of us...I would KNOW FOR A FACT that is was because I DECIDED to have her sit there....
"Sorry you can't run and play with your brothers in your wheelchair, but honey...you have to understand...I really loved that 4runner and had put so much after market money in it. I would still be paying the interest on the loan if I had bought that Land Cruiser...you understand, right?"
That haunts me...
It is that possibility that makes this problem a big deal. I mean, so what if the new Droid II is "better" than my Droid I...I am not going to run out and buy it because its better (like our society wants me to). Seatbelts...with 4 of them "better" than 1 of them...yup...I have to respond.
5-second rule? HA...not in my house. No germaphobe here...imune systems need practice. Cuts, scratches, bruises, bumps, falling in freezing cold creeks, tumbling down rock screes on above tree-line hikes, sunburned/windburned and sand in our eyes as we climbed 800 feet of sand dunes...My family does plenty that is dangerous and reminds us how great life is...but it is "equal-opportunity danger"...there is not one of the five of us that knowingly gets "more danger", as is the case with the lap belt.
This may really come down the the old adage...
...ignorance is bliss...
That's the bliss I had two weeks ago, before I knew what I now know. Would paralizing my daughter have been any better then...no...but I could probably "not forgive myself" LESS if I was just plain unaware, but now that I know...I cannot knowingly ignore it.
Okay...that was a rant if I've ever written one...
I should mention that my real fear is the highway drive to the trails, not the trails...but there is an experience I had that makes this even more "real" to me...though not a graphic EMT experience.
We where on some very mild trails in Colorado. We were crawling at less than 5mph...I mean the needle wouldn't even read accurate we were going so slow. This was last year, and I let my kids unstrap their car seats...thinking how udderly slow we were going. I should mention now that I have a homemade DVD player mounted on a peice of wood that connects between the two head rests. It essentially puts a dvd player right in front of the center seat. We rolled through a shallow water crossing, and on the other side, when I was expecting to bump up out of the creek, the front tire suddenly dropped into a hole and we came to a dead, dead stop...
...No exaggeration...a dead stop from 5mph max, sent all three of my kids flying forward, two smacked their heads on the back of our head rests and the center kid into the DVD player...hard enough to shatter the LCD screen. This was followed by a unison scream of crying that I never want to hear again in my life (just one child at a time please). It was a humbling moment for me, and humbling again after sharing the story here. Never again have they removed their seat belts...never again have I let them... Never again have they asked...
Yup...and I am an engineering student at night, only a year out of Physics I...I learned all about kinetics and momentum...and yet I guess I should have paid more attention in the Lab...since I apparantly just HAD to conduct my own lab "experiment" with my kids as the samples...just plain stupid.
So, top off all the stuff I have been reading about the damage to the body the force of a wreck can do in only a lap belt, with the very close understanding of how much force is created from the momentum of a mere 5 mph...
Okay guys, so I think I have explained my feelings and experiences with this. Lets let the "keep the lap belt" idea go to the way side, as that is not an option. Giving up trail-camping altogether and taking only our van to "gypsy" campgrounds would happen before that...and that ain't going to happen my friends. We are an expedition family for the long haul...my kids are already hooked, and I plan to keep it that way. My youngest is only 4, oldest 8, so I still have plenty of years left to start over my build with a LC and make sure we get our money's worth. It seems this is what I have decided...I can't keep forcing and modding the runner to do what it was not designed to do.
I have my eye on a 1999 LC with 148K and the rear locker for $12K. If I am very careful and consume a lot of time in how I sell my rig and aftermarket products, I "might" get enough for the LC. With my list of "must have" mods (ones that I put in the runner AFTER a difficult situation arose without it), It will cost me another $5 to $6K right off the bat, and that still won't make it a "bigger" yet equivalent rig to my runner. My runner is so, so personalized...