Self Portraits?


Expedition Leader
goodtimes said:
Hate to ruin your fun...but that isn't me, nor is it my jeep. That guy is dresses much nicer than I do, plus my jeep doesn't have "nerf bars" on it (or that type of tire...or chrome wheels).

Yeah, I thought that might come off like I meant that was you. But I knew that. You don't dress like Luke Duke, either. What I meant was: you never know when a camera is aimed at you, suckah!

Also not you, but still . . . be careful where you pee:


Expedition Poseur
articulate said:
Yeah, I thought that might come off like I meant that was you. But I knew that. You don't dress like Luke Duke, either. What I meant was: you never know when a camera is aimed at you, suckah!

Also not you, but still . . . be careful where you pee:

See, now you've gone and made me dig up some dirt on our buddy Chuck and completely hijack your thread, all at once.


But as long as we are posting pics of ourselves taken from behind....


Perpetual Transient
I typically don't do it a ton since I don't have a digi cam and rarely drag along my tripod but on occasion I've been known to ham it up...


Expedition Leader
Cool stuff. You're looking very "expeditioned" with your funky facial hair. :)

I'm digging Joel's wide angle self portrait, too.


Hey Socalfj...see any similarities here?

I've got some better ones on my laptop at home...
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My wife usually takes pictures every trip where it will be a self portrait of her and a picture of me driving. Have tons of those.

Here is one I took hanging a hand out the window going through the Smoky Mountains a couple years back.
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Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
hahahhaa that's too funny with the beard thing going on... you should have seen the video i took in the first photo... you could see curlies in the view of the lense lol :D


I am the one in the white shirt and blue hard hat....Keith in red is making sure we do the trail maintenance right.

Alice does all of my tire changes. In exchange for my good cooking. ;)


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