Awesome build thread. Thanks!
I found a Knap Kap and am going to mount it on my M101A2. Muahahahahahaha!!! Your madness has only begun! You're gonna think that you're gonna need a straight jacket before too long. Ask me how I know.
I have a bunch of questions for you, hope that is OK. Jesus F. Kee-rist on a chromed pogo stick.... Here we go.
What did you build the rear door out of? 3/4" plywood, edges lined with aluminum channel stock, sealed with roof siliconizer. I recycled the lock mechanism from the verticle doors.
Are you pleased that you got rid of the vertical doors? Meh. Sometimes I wish I'd done more to "make" it work, but using the tailgate seemed easier & kept the whole thing more secure.
Any height issues with the tent on the roof? None.
Did you need a longer ladder?No. The height was perfect for the annex to be made deployed with sides tensioned.
Any problems with putting a bunch of weight on the roof? No. These things were made to handle such folly.
The folks at Knapheide weren't very helpful when I asked them.Oh - the folks who said they'd make a rear hatch for me for a paltry $700. Yeah, THEM.
Was the axle swap successful? I cannot find an axle with the 5x150 pattern and adapters don't suit me.Well, as it so happens, an axel swap ain't gonna be in the budget this year; life happened, you know.
Anything that you wish you hadn't done?Good question. I'd have to think about that. Probably not. This has been a learning experience for me, so if I messed anything up, it was just unscheduled learning.
Thanks a bunch for the inspiration.You're very welcome.