"Serenity" - My M101A2 expedition trailer build


The military had fender extensions made for that exact reason, just a couple inches i think. Might look around steel soldiers for some, or just fab them up. I have had maybe four of these trailers, they are awesome. I would not replace the axle, those military axles are VERY ROBUST!. If you have an A3 it will have a drop axle, looks like an A1 body on your 116.

Found the link to fender extensions for that trailer on steel soldiers, give it a look. http://www.steelsoldiers.com/showthread.php?50035-M101A2-3-Fender-Extensions


Gorilla Wrangler
It's actually an M101A3 bed (U-bolts, fore & aft bracing) but minus the fender extensions on an M116A3 chassis; part of the army's famous trailer salad. You can see the axle in one of the pics.

I've scoured Steel Soldiers, too - no joy. As I'm not that good a welder/fabricator, I have to decide how much money I'm willing to bleed to get it "right."

In addition, I have to diagnose why the surge brakes not braking, replace an emergency brake handle, blah, blah, blah.

Labor of love stuff. You understand.

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
If your axle has a rise in the center it is an A3 they made the wider track to match the Humvee tow vehicles.
added the run flat bead locks and fender extensions. I would get a new axle and tuck them back in.


Gorilla Wrangler
Thanks, Mark. Now I have this to torture myself with. :)

If I do that with one, I might as well do that with both. And go your route.

At least I won't have to continually scramble for spares
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Gorilla Wrangler
Decision"s made: out with the old surge and in with the new electric. I'm tired of scrounging for spares.

I'll source this to the crowd:

Who has the best prices for the best gear?

What is it exactly that I do need to completely replace the axle and brakes?

Conventional axel swap versus torsion axel, etc, do I keep the leaf springs & shocks?

ETA: what I'm looking for is essentially a replacement of what I have now - only with electric brakes.

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
Titanpat57 "Patrick" is the one to contact about axle swaps that match Toyota lug pattern.
He has don the swap on his ROAM trailer with great results.

You can loose the boat anchor surge lunette assemblies when you go with electric brakes.
I am happy with my simple adjustable coupler solution. It can be adapted for an off road swivel too.


Gorilla Wrangler
For what I'd spend to have fenders fabbed up I could probably re-axle both trailers.

PM sent to Pat - thanks, Mark!!! I'm going to totally steal your adjustable channel hitch idea as well.

Time to shed some unneeded tonnage off these beasts. (And then sell the 2 pairs of adaptors)

I hope to have this ready for the FJ Summit in July.


If you are going to do the tongue mods, make to extend it a bit. I wish I extended mine.

If you do electric brakes on the new axle, don't forget to get backing plates with park levers.
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If you are going to do the tongue mods, make to extend it a bit. I wish I extended mine.

If you do electric brakes on new axle, forget to get backing plates with park levers.

Sorry to hijack, looking for some clarification. Ragnar do you mean don't forget to get backing plates with park levers? Is this how you maintain the parking brakes on a M101A* with an axle swap?


Correct. I did not go that route but would if doing an axle swap to include electric brakes, I would get backing plates that have a parking brake lever then just connect the military parking brake cable to it.

I fixed my post. Typos probably made it a bit confusing. :)


For what I'd spend to have fenders fabbed up I could probably re-axle both trailers.

PM sent to Pat - thanks, Mark!!! I'm going to totally steal your adjustable channel hitch idea as well.

Time to shed some unneeded tonnage off these beasts. (And then sell the 2 pairs of adaptors)

I hope to have this ready for the FJ Summit in July.

I would be very surprised if you could re axle both trailers for the cost of tabbed up fenders. I re axles my 416 trailer through red neck for around 375 I believe. That's with electric brakes and manual parking breaks on a 3500lbs axle and hubs to match my chevy or any six lug toyota (6x5.5). Same trailer needed full fenders not just little extensions and those are very heavy duty and I paid only about 250 for them. Honestly I was upset at how much they cost me. Here's a picture of the fenders and they support my weight on them. photo 1-15.jpg

All that said you'll shed quite a bit of weight on a new axle, loose clearance but not enough to matter to you I'm sure. Not many vehicles can really match the clearance I'd guess of the a3 drop axles. I was surprised to read that you were scrambling for parts on the original axle though. When I re did my last one it was super easy to get parts. The little reservoir was straight out of a cj5 I'm pretty sure, the damper from Napa, the shocks in stock at auto zone, etc, etc. Had all my parts in a day or so.

But if I couldn't easily find parts for them or order online for cheap I'd be tearing that thing out too.

Anyway looking forward to seeing the new axle you get lined up and get that beauty on the trails. I can't say enough good about those trailers, I think they are superb and a whole lot of bang for your buck.


Gorilla Wrangler
That is the most overengineered-appearing M416 that I've ever seen.

Did I mention that I like overengineered? :)

I'm going to stop by the local trailer shop after dropping the kids off tomorrow morning.


Gorilla Wrangler
I had an accident today. As I was walking by the back of my trailer carrying my hand grinder, I tripped, and this happened:






When this is finished, I'll be able to access the back of my trailer through a modified roof top tent annex.


That just plain cool!

Even just cutting it in half would be an interesting thought, I am still trying to figure out where I will mount my Trasharoo!

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