Seth's 97XJ


Very interested to hear the overall lift with those rear springs. I'm redoing my setup and want to stay around 3.5"..either OME 3.5's or maybe 2" with shackle relocators and appropriate shackle.


Very interested to hear the overall lift with those rear springs. I'm redoing my setup and want to stay around 3.5"..either OME 3.5's or maybe 2" with shackle relocators and appropriate shackle.
As of now the springs have had no time to settle but i am at 5" of lift in the rear with the 8.8 and aftermarket perches(im still running the stock shackle). you would be a little shorter on a 8.25 or D35.
(5" is with absolutely no cargo in the truck) i expect to be around 4 when loaded with my daily gear and around 3.5 or so when fully loaded.


How much lift are those perches giving? And I know this is a hassle..but could you measure from the top of the axle tube to the bottom of the frame rail in the rear? That distance, subtract perch height should give the actual lift I'm hoping. Mines currently at like 9 1/4". Stock is 6". So I'm 3 1/4" over the factory.


JKS high clearance lower shock mounts.

Got the JKS shock mounts welded up today by a buddy. These things are tough!
photo (42).JPG


Expedition Leader
Lookin' good! Are those the 1.5" wheel spacers or 1.25"?
What did you do for parking brake cables and brake lines for the 8.8?
Don't suppose you have a pic of the 8.8 brakes without the rotor on so I can see how everything goes? :)


How much lift are those perches giving? And I know this is a hassle..but could you measure from the top of the axle tube to the bottom of the frame rail in the rear? That distance, subtract perch height should give the actual lift I'm hoping. Mines currently at like 9 1/4". Stock is 6". So I'm 3 1/4" over the factory.
I will try to get you the measurement next week when i go through the rear bumpstops. Thanks for reading!

Lookin' good! Are those the 1.5" wheel spacers or 1.25"?
What did you do for parking brake cables and brake lines for the 8.8?
Don't suppose you have a pic of the 8.8 brakes without the rotor on so I can see how everything goes? :)
I am not positive but i believe the spacers measure 1.25". i have not adressed the parking brake cables yet, but will most likely base the design off a writeup from cherokee/jeep forum. I will check the measurement of the spacers when i adress the bumpstops. Thanks for reading!

And to the others thanks for the comments!


JCR Front bumper

Thursday night me and my buddy got the front bumper on. I painted it with rattle can the night before. The paint turned out pretty good! Got the Hella 500 black magic lights mounted up, will wire them this weekend. I got the steering painted up as well. I will throw in some pics of the tie rod ends! THEY ARE HUGE.
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Oow I'm curious about updates on the 1 ton..that thing is pure beef! I thought my crown HD setup was ************..I'm up between currie for 350 to my door or the ruffstuff 1 ton which is a bit more work/labor and around 300 to my door.


Would you mind posting more information about your headlight upgrade? I've upgraded mine several times, and still haven't gotten enough light output for my personal liking. I'm considering e-codes, but haven't decided where or what to buy. Your rig also looks great, I drool over late model 2 doors all the time. Also, do you notice your front tires rubbing at all while turning? I've got a set of YJ steelies on my XJ, and I rub on the control arms at full lock.


Would you mind posting more information about your headlight upgrade? I've upgraded mine several times, and still haven't gotten enough light output for my personal liking. I'm considering e-codes, but haven't decided where or what to buy. Your rig also looks great, I drool over late model 2 doors all the time. Also, do you notice your front tires rubbing at all while turning? I've got a set of YJ steelies on my XJ, and I rub on the control arms at full lock.
I am running Hella E Code housings with hella 80/100w bulbs ordered from I am using the Putco upgraded harness from
Its a huge improvement but may not be enough for you. The harness is crucial when upgrading. I have not got out wheeling yet but on level ground i have no rubbing on the control arms at full lock! Thanks for reading!

If I wasn't stuck in Germany right now I would have tried to source/scrounge the parking brake cables as well. In the spirit to just get them done I ordered these:
They aren't cheap (which goes against my nature..haha) but should be plug and play.
Good luck with the steering upgrade!
Thanks for the link!


Prime Switch Panel

If you are sick of drilling holes in your dash and center console to mount all your switches you need to go to and check out their products!
They have a variety of panels for all year cherokees! This thing is sweet and really helps when wiring up accessories! Again i have failed to take photos during the install but its pretty straight forward. Remove the center console. Pop out the ashtray. Drill 4 holes in the center console for the mounting hardware. Build a wiring harness. (or order a harness from Install panel. And re assemble console. I recommend running leads to the switches you do not have accessories for yet so you dont have to pull the console apart to wire new accessories! You can see my fog lights ran to one of the leads in the last picture.
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Gears and JCR Steering

Dropped the jeep off at 4WP down the road on Tuesday night and received a call noon on Wednesday that the gears were installed and i was good to pick it up. The 4:10s are so nice compared to the 4:88s haha. The pic of the gears is the 4.88s that were removed.. Look how tiny the D30 R&P is!

I got my 7* reamer to ream the knuckles and pitman arm to fit the 1 ton TREs, so today i got the JCR 1 ton installed! The drilling was pretty hard on my Dewalt drill but it pulled through. The steering hits the front of the solid cover near full lock so i will be doing a different cover or grinding down the solid cover. Overall i am impressed with the size of the rods and rod ends.

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How much did that reamer cost ya? Or would inserts be better overall versus reaming?
That whole setup just looks pure beefy but what about the stabalizer? Any ill effects without it?

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