So true- travel the cruel world, vigilant against theft and you get robbed anyway, back home! One consolation is that there are 6 crooks in jail right now awaiting trial. Went to a bond hearing today- hint to criminals, don't steal from active duty military deployed overseas- judges don't like it.
Thanks so much for the prompt to write a book. I had planned to do it, gave myself 3 months to get a good start before giving it up. I gave it up yesterday! I'll have to give it another try. Thanks for the motivation.
I write enough to know that the task of book writing is a daunting one but it's made even more difficult when the author has in mind that he (or she) is writing "for the masses" and will somehow be judged in that light. I say phooey with that. Just write the story as if it's for your grandchildren (and their children) to read someday. Write what you'd like them to know about your trip and the adventure.
My dad is a 92 year-old WWII vet that started as an E-1 in the Navy in 1937 and retired as an O-6 37 years later in 1974 having chased Nazis in Panama, flown torpedo bombers in the Pacific in WWII, commanded squadrons, commanded ships (including a deep draft), and is still going strong. What I wouldn't give to have a book he's written to pass on to my kids and my grandkids (5 of them now). He keeps telling me he's not a good enough writer.
But when he was a middle age teenager living with his grandmother her father (who was in his 80's at the time) was living with her too. And he (her father) fought in the civil war. So here in 2011 I can still talk directly to someone (my dad) who talked directly to someone (my great grandfather) who fought in the civil war. Unless I can get him to start writing (and he types well) those stories are going to get lost. I remind my dad what he wouldn't give to have stories written by his grandfather, and they wouldn't have to be masterpieces to enjoy them.
So write Capt. You can self-publish on Amazon or do it whatever way you want but get the story out there!
I'm pretty sure it won't make you wealthy but I can pretty much guarantee it will make you rich.
All the best,