Shifty - A 4Runner story


Master of Awesome
Roof Rack poll removed. Other needs came up and suspension is top priority. I'll repost it when I get ready to buy a roof rack again. See posts farther down for latest updates.
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Master of Awesome
Ok, finally was able to do some real offroading. Check out the videos. I've pointed out the times when my 4Runner is the star. Had great time, the guys that took us out there were awesome. I probably shouldn't have been out there with them, the terrain is pretty outrageous for Florida and I just did not have the clearance for some stuff. The 4Runner in stock trim is impressive though.
skip to
6:08 Inside View
7:40 inside view

Only got seriously stuck one time. They had to yank me off, and by yank I mean they bent my stock recovery hook a bit.

Here's a shot of how close I was to that stump, it was stump, that everyone was pushing on my truck to get around. That's my door, I took that shot from the drivers seat to get you some perspective.

Here's a pic of it dirty at the end of the day.
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Master of Awesome
You definitely missed out but I don't think I'll go back until I build the truck up some. Clearance was absolutely my biggest issue behind being scared out of my mind all day. I grew a lot of confidence throughout the day though, in the truck and myself. This thing will go just about everywhere you point it if you have the balls to try. I didn't but when your only options are to keep going or be stuck in the woods, you sack up a bit.


You call, I haul.
exactly how i felt. i don't know what your weight's like, but my rig's heavy enough to just stand on the brakes and slide down some of those hills. i def wanna get out there and see the caves


Master of Awesome
I did a bit of sliding but my truck isn't all that heavy I don't think. Surprisingly my All Terrains did an awesome job out there. And thanks for the workspace offer, I'll definitely like to use it sometime. I really just need to figure out what I'm going to do with the truck. The roof rack is gonna get pushed back since it looks like I need a lift now just to hang out. lol


Master of Awesome
Ordered the Sonoran Steel 1.2A lift kit today! Can't wait to get it and get it installed. After this I shouldn't have to get dragged off of obstacles due to my low break over angle.


You call, I haul.
if youre going to be in town this weekend, hit me up. 407-484-5122. i'd like to get that cb checked out, and if you need help with the lift, im down


Master of Awesome
The Bilsteins aren't recommended for my goals plus I like a firmer ride. I'm hoping it ships soon so I can have it for next weekend. I was going to do the lift my fathers driveway but if you have shop access that'd be way better. I'm still debating my weekend plans but if I'm int eh area I'll hit you up. I can't find my SWR meter but we can still look at that CB.


Master of Awesome
I did get it. It's all sitting in boxes here in my tiny RV. Surprisingly, it's not nearly as much stuff as I though it'd be. I'll try to snap some pics of it tonight.
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