OverCamping Specialist
What have you found to work great both at an indoor and an outdoor range?
When shooting my AR15 outdoors, plain old Peltor muffs work for me.
When we shot our hand guns last Saturday at an indoor range, I was cautioned to wear both foam earplugs and the Peltors.
It was still pretty loud in there with both on.
I have heard of the electronic muffs that can amplify speech so you can hear an instructor or talk to others in your group, but once a shot is fired, the muffs cancel out all of the noise.
I called the shop where I bought my Glock 21SF at, and they recommended the Peltor 97044 Tactical 6S Active Volume Hearing Protectors.
They were out of stock, so I checked Amazon, and they have them.
[ame=""] Peltor 97044 Tactical 6S Active Volume Hearing Protector: Home Improvement[/ame]
The reviews look pretty good on them, so I ordered them, and they will be here Friday.
I also read about this model there.
Howard Leight R-01526 Impact Sport Electronic Earmuff
[ame=""] Howard Leight R-01526 Impact Sport Electronic Earmuff: Home Improvement[/ame]
They have pretty good reviews too, and some say they are better than the Peltor 6S ones, and the reviews for the Peltors some say they are better than the Howard Leight ones.
I will post back next time I shoot with the new Peltors to as if they work like they claim.
Anyone else using an electronic muff, and if so, does it work as described?
When shooting my AR15 outdoors, plain old Peltor muffs work for me.
When we shot our hand guns last Saturday at an indoor range, I was cautioned to wear both foam earplugs and the Peltors.
It was still pretty loud in there with both on.
I have heard of the electronic muffs that can amplify speech so you can hear an instructor or talk to others in your group, but once a shot is fired, the muffs cancel out all of the noise.
I called the shop where I bought my Glock 21SF at, and they recommended the Peltor 97044 Tactical 6S Active Volume Hearing Protectors.
They were out of stock, so I checked Amazon, and they have them.
[ame=""] Peltor 97044 Tactical 6S Active Volume Hearing Protector: Home Improvement[/ame]

The reviews look pretty good on them, so I ordered them, and they will be here Friday.
I also read about this model there.
Howard Leight R-01526 Impact Sport Electronic Earmuff
[ame=""] Howard Leight R-01526 Impact Sport Electronic Earmuff: Home Improvement[/ame]

They have pretty good reviews too, and some say they are better than the Peltor 6S ones, and the reviews for the Peltors some say they are better than the Howard Leight ones.
I will post back next time I shoot with the new Peltors to as if they work like they claim.
Anyone else using an electronic muff, and if so, does it work as described?