I'm not sure. Take a look at the blue book sites, but at least in Colorado they are selling at or above the high end of the range. The problem is there really isn't anything comparable to them for direct competition. Land Cruisers are bigger and every thing else is between a little and a whole lot smaller. The values were depressed for a long time because Consumer Reports branded them as unsafe, but now people are looking for a truck that is a little bigger than an Xterra, smaller than a Land Cruiser and more reasonably priced than a 4Runner and you are down to three choices: Pathfinder, Trooper and Montero. If on-road performance is the most important, buy the Pathfinder (in fairness it is much higher in price than a Trooper). If off road performance is more important, buy the Trooper.
The Consumer Reports deal was so long ago that people shopping for cars now don't remember it, so the price of the Troopers is rising to the level of the other, or at least the Pathfinder.
For 75,000 in good shape, if you can get it for about $7,000 I would consider it a good deal. Pay close attention to the brakes (including sticking calipers), CV boots, signs of over heating, and general seals. Plan on upgrading shocks and rear springs (or at least shocks), ball joints and tie rods.