All 98 to early 01 Troopers have the oil consumption issue. It is a design flaw in the engine. Seafoam is not an additive, is an engine cleaner, and it is a short term "fix", but the problem will come back. The solution is to buy a late 01-02 Trooper where Isuzu fixed the drain back problem of the earlier 3.5 engines. And, 1 quart every 1000 to 1500 miles is about norm, and you can strech that out by using sythetic 5w30 oil. If the owner knows about the problem, and alerts you to it, then I would not be concerned, all Isuzu 3.5's of this vintage (hell, even the 3.2's) have the same oil consupmtion issue. I check my oil every fill up and top it off about every third tank (about 1200 miles). As for the TOD, I did not think you could get it with the manual tranny, but I am not sure it is all that great of a system to begin with. I do not have TOD, but I read on the "planet" all the time about guys doing the "TOD mod", where they basically eliminate the TOD system for the traditonal part time system anyway. But, it is all about personal preference. I think parts for the clutch could be sourced fairly inexpensively almost anywhere also, just shop around a bit. The big problem with Isuzu Manual transmissions is not the clutches themselves, it is the hydraulics. My old Rodeo lasted 175K on the original clutch, but I had to have the hydraulics replaced twice, it is the same system in the Troopers, you may want to look into that as well. Keep up the search, and let us know what you find.