Right, combine the two and you have something. One or the other is only half the equation or in other words half an off-road truck. Once you have a suspension that can move up and down and keep a tire on the ground and have traction to all 4-wheels (locked) rather than 2-wheels (open diff) you have the foundation (based on basic fundamentals) of a solid off-road vehicle. Brand of vehicle be it a Land Rover, Toyota, Benz, Nissan, Ford, Chevy, whatever at this point can be a mute point and just comes down to opinions (or facts based on years of owner feedback & known issues) of the owners of such and such truck and what they think is
best. Add in gearing (the next best thing) on top of flex + traction and you can transfer the power (even just 50hp) to the wheels correctly which are on the ground and have traction. How these very basic things that are the foundations of off-roading can not be understood leaves me rolling my eyes.
But hey, I don't know jack all about any of this and am just making it all up! That is why IFS and IRS, unibody construction plus low hanging junk is great in the dirt! Not to mention how awesome ODB3 and beyond is when you are in the middle of nowhere. Traction control issues, self leveling air bag suspension giving you grief? Sweet, now I know I have a problem at such and such location because my $1000+ idiot proof trouble shooter is telling me so. Now I just need to get a part drop shipped from Europe to BFE nowhere South America! Oh and I need such and such special tool to install this part. But hey my roadside mechanic in this village I barely made it to before I died can do it without any of this junk because he tells me so!
And hey I have driven one of these new school traction control fully automatic 4wd, push a button-do-all, hold your hand SUV's too. It rocked in the snow on pavement and in the mountains of snowy roads. I couldn't break it loose when I tried, so as far as safety it was solid but was also super boring to drive. Beyond that, such as in the dirt, it won't go half as far as a
solid axle locked old school leaf sprung suspension.